
新东方哈尔滨学校12月六级翻译 解析

2018-12-15 19:13



六级第三套 翻译  
近年来,中国越来越多的博物馆免费向公众开放。博物馆展览次数和参观人数都明显增长。在一些广受 欢迎的博物馆门前,排长队已经很常见。这些博物馆必须采取措施限制参观人数。如今,展览形式越来 越多样。 一些大型博物馆利用媒体和虚拟现实等先进技术,使展览更具吸引力。不少博物馆还举办在线 展览,人们可在网上观赏珍稀展品。然而,现场看展品的体验对大多数参观者还是更具吸引力。
翻译 1 In recent years, more and more Chinese museums are open to the public for free, which lets numbers of both exhibitions and visitors increase significantly. It is common to see that people are waiting in long lines in front of some popular museums, as a result of which get museums to take measures to limit the number of visitors. Nowadays, there are a variety of forms in exhibitions. Some large museums have taken advantages of advanced technologies including media and virtual reality to make exhibitions be more attractive. In addition, many museums hold online exhibitions, allowing people to appreciate precious exhibits. However, it is more attractive for most visitors to see the exhibits on the scene.  
翻译 2 In recent years, more and more museums are open to the public for free in China. There is a remarkable increase in the number of visitors and museum exhibitions. In front of the gates of some widely popular museums, it is very common to see that people stand in the long line. These museums must adopt measures to limit the number of visitors. Nowadays, the form of exhibition becomes more and more various. Some large museums use some advanced techniques such as media and virtual reality, to make the exhibitions more attractive. Not a few museums also hold the online exhibitions so that people can watch precious objects on display on the Internet. However, the experience of watching objects on display in the museum is still more attractive for most visitors. 
整体评价:本次六级翻译较为简单,背景贴近生活。单词大多数为四级难度的单词。在句式上多次 应用基本的定语从句和强调句。因此,考生们在准备六级翻译时,应将重点放至语法的准确性和句 式的多样性,在保证准确无误地表达句意的同时,提高使用高级句型和固定搭配的技能,以在翻译 中取得较高的分数。

今年的六级翻译题整体难度适中,话题耳熟能详,词汇部分没有特别生僻的词汇,绝大多数都是考生在 英语学习过程中频繁遇见的单词,个别词汇较难,但是考生可以通过用词组解释的方式化解,比如“翻 新”,可以用“rebuild”来替代“renovate”。除此而外,语法考察的知识点也较常规,目的状语、It 形式句、定语从句等都有所涉及,但是目的状语除了 in order to, 也要注意 so that + 从句的使用, 另外,定语从句一定注意放在名词后,紧跟着被修饰的名词。除此而外,有些句子逗号较多,所以考生 在答题时需要注意断句、句子与句子之间的衔接。 





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