
新东方哈尔滨学校12月六级翻译 解析

2018-12-15 19:13



六级第一套 翻译  
中国越来越重视公共图书馆,并鼓励人们充分加以利用。新近公布的统计数字表明,中国的公共图书馆 数量在逐年增长。许多图书馆通过翻新和扩建,为读者创造了更为安静、舒适的环境。大型公共图书馆 不仅提供种类繁多的参考资料,而且定期举办讲座、展览等活动。近年来,也出现了许多数字图书馆, 从而节省了存放图书所需的空间。一些图书馆还推出了自助服务系统,使读者借书还书更加方便,进一 步满足了读者的需求。
翻译 1 China is paying more and more attention on public libraries, encouraging citizens to make full use of them. Statistics published currently show that the number of Chinese public libraries is growing year by year. Many libraries have been refurbished and expanded in order to create more tranquil and comfortable atmosphere. Large public libraries not only provide a variety of reference materials, but also hold activities regularly, including lectures, exhibitions and so on. In recent years, due to the appearance of many digital libraries, the space to store books has been saved. Some libraries have pushed out self-service system, which allows the readers to borrow books with convenience, further satisfying the needs of readers as well.   
翻译 2
China has attached more and more importance to public libraries and encouraged people to make full use of them. The statistics published recently show that the number of Chinese public libraries increases year by year. Many libraries create more quiet and comfortable environment for readers by renovation and extension. The giant public libraries not only provide multiple kinds of references, but also hold activities such as lectures and exhibitions regularly. In recent years, many digit libraries emerged so that the space required to keep books can be saved. Some libraries also introduce the self-service system, to make readers borrow and return books more conveniently,    which satisfies the needs of readers even more. 
整体评价:本次六级翻译试题单词较为贴近生活,背景材料偏向现代科技话题。整体难度无论是单 词使用还是语法都十分基础。大部分单词都是以往真题的复现。学生在准确应用简单句的基础上可 多次使用定语从句和非谓语动词来表达较长的句子,同时使句型丰富多样化。建议学生在六级翻译 的准备上将语法视为重点,多尝试使用从句。





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