2015年3月7日 托福考试写作真题解析+范文
2015-03-12 11:49 作者:vip北美项目托福写作教研组 徐莹 来源:新东方 字号:T|T
Taking children to field trips( for example, to a museum) is a better way of education than learning at school in a classroom.
People have always been looking for effective ways to educate our children, who determines the future of a nation. In that case, some original and creative teachers start their classes with field trips, which I believe is a better way than learning at school in a classroom in educating students.
In the first place, going on field trips enables the students to study actively and positively. The unknown excitement and adventures of field trips can always attract the students as it is the nature of them to be curious about the events that they rarely or never experienced. Before the trips, they will be so curious that they will do research on the destinations, looking for their origin and history. And that helps with the ability to gain information from a variety of approaches, libraries, magazines, TV programs, the internet, and so forth. Conversely, in normal everyday classes, the students have to study what the textbooks and teachers tell them, where there exists no internal motivation, which is an essential part for efficient learning. we can see that the traditional classrooms creates passive learning, whereas the field trips contributes more to active learning.
In addition, the active learning resulting from out-of-classroom activities lasts longer than passive learning and helps the students understand the theories and principles better. As different field trips possesses different excitement, students curiosity never reduces. On the other hand, young people can study better by witnessing how the theories and principles work and how great the masters’ works are. Students remember things when they are experiencing in person instead of listening to stories in normal classrooms.
I admit that there might be some disadvantages on the field trips, which classrooms do not have. It might be hard for the teachers to put the students in order and ensure their security. But as long as we have enough teachers taking care of them on the trip and tell them to obey the rules, the students will be easy to deal with and we can minimize the possibility of danger. As a result, we cannot sacrifice the beauty of field trips because of the problems that we can handle.
To sum up, the benefits that field trips can bring is evident and schools should provide more opportunities for the students to go on the trips. In this way, the students will be more active in learning and the study efficiency will be improved and they will create a more beautiful world for us, using the knowledge they obtained on campus.
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