2015-10-27 09:52
Topic议题 |
Eocene warming |
Reading |
Listening |
Thesis总论点 |
提出产生Eocene warming三个原因 |
反驳阅读三个原因 |
Sub-point 1 分论点1 |
Ocean current洋流变化 |
洋流的确改变了,但是热度不足以造成温度影响 |
Sub-point2 分论点2 |
Comet struck 彗星撞击 |
陨石撞击的磁场问题不是直接原因,新的证据表明直接原因细菌造成的 |
Sub-point3 分论点3 |
温室气体的释放 |
要产生这样的温室气体从海底到空气中再造成升温要几千年,但是数据显示升温和释放是同时发生的 |
独立写作: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: The people in the past are more friendly than people today.
Some will say that the past is unduly romanticized as a friendlier
time-that people then couldn't have been much better-disposed than they are
now. But I'm not so sure. There are a number of reasons why people may have
been more genial back in the day.
For one thing, people in the past interacted with each other in person
more than we do today, and this naturally resulted in a comparatively higher
level of friendliness. The reason people interacted more was because they had
fewer technological distractions. Back then, it was both routine and enjoyable
to shoot the breeze with others while waiting for a trolley or sitting on your
front porch after work. Socializing face to face with complete strangers was commonplace.
Nowadays, however, people have all sorts of devices like smart phones,
e-readers, and iPods that draw them into their own private worlds even while
out in public. While taking the subway to work, you'll rarely see two people
strangers talking unless it's to yell at each other. More likely, they'll be
totally absorbed by the miniature screens in front of them.
For another thing, the pace of life today is much faster than it was in
the past, and as a result, people today are much more hurried and much less
friendly. Those living in modern society tend to have little patience for idle
conversation, as they are always on their way to do something or see someone.
The leisurely daily rhythms characterizing past eras have been replaced by a
frantic rush to accomplish as much as humanly possible. This has led to
friendliness, and often even courtesy, taking a backseat to efficient and
mechanical interactions.
Granted, people today are also much more connected via non-traditional
mediums than they were in the past. Thanks to computers, the internet, and
social networking services like Weibo and We-chat, people can keep in touch
with each other no matter where they are in the world. However, this type of
connection is a poor substitute for face-to-face interaction and does not
necessarily encourage friendliness. In fact, it may make us even colder towards
others because we become accustomed to viewing people as remote, disembodied
data. The shallow interactions facilitated by technology may actually deepen
the divide between us rather than bring us closer together.
People in the past moved through life at a more leisurely pace, and they
didn't have the technological distractions that we have today. Though
technology is often seen as a tool that connects people, it may in fact have
the opposite effect. For these reasons, people in the past were probably
friendlier than people today.
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