2015-09-21 15:22
Task 1
An occasion people
exchange gifts in my country is Christmas. Firstly, it's a great opportunity to
show that you really care about someone. For instance when I was 6, my family
was going through a hard time because my dad just lost his job, but he and my
mom still managed to cut back on their own life and saved enough money to buy
me the bike I'd always wanted, and that really meant a lot to me and I felt
their love for me and their willingness to do anything for me. Also, Christmas
is a time when we think about giving instead of taking, exchanging gifts is
more of a symbolic gesture to remind us of the meaning of Christmas.
Task 2
I think
bikes will never be replaced for two reasons. First of all, bikes are one of
the most eco-friendly ways of transportation so far. Compared with trains,
buses and automobiles, bikes don't bring any environmental problems to the
society, if more people used bikes, there would be less tail-gas emission and
our planet would be a more livable place, so in the long run, more and more
people would probably choose to use bikes. Also, bikes are pretty cheap, it's
good for students like me who have a limited budget, I get to save a lot of
money by using bikes instead of paying for the expensive subway ticket. So in
my opinion, bikes will never be replaced.
Task 3
student suggests that the university should open a coffee shop in the fine art
building due to two reasons. The first reason is that students can have a place
to buy snacks and drink between classes. The second reason is to encourage
students to come to the fine art building to appreciate the artworks of
students. In the conversation, the woman agrees with the suggestion. In the
first reason, she mentions that now the closest coffee shop is in the student
center which is 10 minutes' walk, and students will be late for the next class
if they go there to buy stuff. As for the second reason, the woman points out
that it would be really fun to hang out in the fine art building and see some
of the students' works.
Task 4
In the
lecture, the professor talks about the concept of subject-expectancy effect
which means the tendency for the subjects of the study to let their
expectations affect the outcome. He offers us an example to illustrate it. Some
workers from a company always complain that they feel fatigue, so researchers
offered them some vitamin pills and claimed that the pills were very helpful to
increase people's energy, after taking the vitamin for a while, these workers
felt they were indeed more energetic than before and it significantly improved
their work efficiency. The truth is, the vitamin didn't really have that effect
on people, it was simply the workers' expectation of the vitamin that worked.
Task 5
The man's
problem is that the computer he borrowed from his roommate broke while he was
writing up his history paper, and his paper is due tomorrow. There are two
possible solutions. The first one is ask his roommate to fix it up. And the
second solution is to switch to a different computer to finish his paper. If I
were in his shoes, I would go for the second solution because the man did say
in the conversation that he would still be able to remember what he wrote in
the paper even if it's a different computer. I personally don't recommend the
other solution because his roommate goes to bed pretty early and there's no
reason to mess up with his routine. He might be upset with the man and that
could jeopardize their relationship.
Task 6
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