2015年7月4日 听力机经
2015-07-13 11:29 作者: 来源:新东方哈尔滨学校国外考试部 字号:T|T
新旧情况 |
主题场景 |
题目&答案 |
难度分析 |
Section 1 |
旧题 |
澳洲旅游 A woman consults visiting somewhere of holiday |
4填空 1. Surname: Thorn 2. Length: 5 days 3. Station near: Golden coast 4. Accommodation: apartment 3单选 5. The near view photo taken of: B. crocodile 6. Where does the boy like to go in amusement park: A. water park 7. The room is near: shopping centre 3多选 8,9,10. Facilities needed: playroom laundry cleaning aid kit |
较为简单 |
Section 2 |
旧题 |
The development of ice-curling |
6填空 11. introduce the lead 12. the length of ice rink is called: the sheet 13. the target area is called: house 14. the Scottish brushes are made of horse hair 15. a shoe made of a sole of rubber 16. the team captain carries a stop watch 4 单选 17. famous for? B. it is the oldest club in the region 18. why was this club established? C. to fix regulations for the game 19. in the 16th century, the curling game was not banned because B. it can train player for the battle 20. the early implement for this game in Canada is made of? C. cast iron
中等难度 |
Section 3 |
旧题 |
Just in time system tutorial Japanese 在日本老师评论学生presentation |
4 单选 21. problem: B the definition of just in time 22. 从哪里得到资料 C. textbook 23. 缺失 24. the tutor think JIT doesn’t suit service industry because: A. service product doesn’t be accountable 6 matching 25.B 26.A 27.D 28.C 29.G 30.E |
中等偏难 |
Section 4 |
旧题 |
藏红花(染料,香水,药用,洗浴) |
31. 14,000 32. drying 33. powder 34. rice 35. eyes 36. light 37. clothes 38. cosmetics 39. perfume 40. carpets |
偏难 |
单选 相关文章导读
- 2015-08-26盘点雅思听力备考的十三条原则
- 2014-06-04新东方致学生们的一封信
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