

2016-06-21 11:30




Dear Mr Li,

    The Teacher’s Day is approaching,and I am writing this letter to extend my sincere gratitude to you on helping me with my English.Without your help, I would not be accepted by my ideal university,Peking University.

Frankly speaking,I had great difficulty in learning English. There was no denying that the grammar was too hard to master.Besides,memorizing the words and expressions was also a tall order for me.Most importantly, I was not interested in learning it at all.Being so nervous and timid, I was afraid to ask help from you.

One day, I happened to meet you in the cafe and we had a long conversation about how to improve English.It was on that day that I found English is not difficult as long as you make efforts to learn it.Eventually,I fell in love with English,and hence it improved dramatically in the college entrance examination.Words really cannot express how grateful I am and I will always remember your kindness.Wish you all the best!



Dear Lily,

    I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude to you on helping me get rid of the unhealthy lifestyle which exerts an adverse effect on my fitness and study.

To be honest, I had been addicted to playing computer games for a long time in the past.Everyday,I spent a lot of time in front of the screen. I didn’t do any physical exercise and even skipped classes to play computer games.Therefore, my academic performance was affected and  physical condition became worse.Although I knew  the negative effects of playing computer games, I still could resist the temptation of it .Therefore,I asked you to do me a favor.

Personally speaking,I really appreciate your help.Everyday,you invited me to do exercise with you together and prevented me from skipping classes.Finally ,I got rid of the bad habit and became more healthy mentally and physically.Thank you so much for helping me .Hope to hear from you soon.




邵研: 新东方哈尔滨学校国内考试部教师。主讲四级阅读,四级写作课程,授课风格亲切,课堂气氛轻松活跃。





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