

2017-03-22 17:26



3月25日托福考试- 阅读词汇题预测

题干词 同义词 中文释义
apparent/ obvious/explicit/ conspicuous evident/ noticeable/ seeming/clear/ 明显的
characteristic typical/ identifying/ distinctive 独特的
component/ fragment piece/constituent/ part 组成部分
confine/restrict/ keep in check limit/ inhibit/ constrain/ 限制
correspond to/ parallel match/ equal/ coincide with 符合
cumulative/ synthesizing combining/ altogether/ end 集合的
diminish reduce/ decrease 减少
discrepancy/ distinction inconsistency/difference/ 差异
disrupt/devastate disturb/ destroy 打断
dramatic striking/ powerful 显著的
elaborate/sophisticated/complicated complex/ highly developed 复杂的
enormous/vast huge/tremendous 大的
equivalent/ similar comparable/ counterpart 可相比的
eventually at a later time/ in the end 最终
foundation/underlying basic/rudimentary/ elementary 基本的
fulfill achieve/ perform 完成
imply/ propose suggest/ postulate 暗示
impressive remarkable/unusual/ striking 令人印象深刻的
impulse/ prompt/ incite/ foster push toward/ stimulate/ encourage 推动
inevitable certain/ unavoidable 不可避免的
ingenuity inventiveness/cleverness 机智
initiate begin/ start/ trigger 开始
inspect/investigate  check/ look into 检查;调查
mimic/ replicate reproduce/ copy 复制
peak high point/ maximum 巅峰
perfect/ enhance/refine complete/ improve/increase 完善
persistent/ enduring lasting/ durable 持久的
potential possible/ likely 可能的
resemble be similar to/ look like 相似
robust healthy/ strong 有活力的
rudimentary elementary/ primitive/ simple 基本的
substantially largely/ considerably 极大地
supplement/ contribute to/ integrate/compound combine/ coordinate/add to/ mix 补充
sustain/ back up support/ continue 支持
ultimately finally/eventually 最终地
undoubtedly/surely/doubtless certainly/ obviously 毫无疑问的
unfavorable/adverse/harmful negative/disadvantageous/ 不利的
abandoned left/ discarded 被抛弃的
abrupt sudden 突然的
absolutely definitely 绝对地
accelerated faster 加速的
accessible to available to 可获得的
accustomed to used to 习惯于
acute severe 剧烈的
adapt adjust 适应
address deal with 应对
adjoining  bordering 毗邻
advocate support 提倡
afford provide 提供
aim to do intend to do 打算做某事
akin to similar to 与…类似
alter/ convert/ modify change 改变
alternate take turns at 交替
anticipate predict 预期
appeal attraction 吸引
approximating estimating 近似
ardent enthusiastic 热烈的
as opposed to/ conversely in contrast to 相反的是
assess evaluate 评估
assimilate recognize 透彻理解
associated with related to 联系
attest to provide evidence of 证实
attribute to responsible for 把…归因于…
autonomy independence 自治
backing up supporting 支持
baffled puzzled 使困惑
be accompanied by occur together with 同时发生
besides in addition 除…之外
burgeoning increasingly expanding 迅速发展的
chronological time 按时间顺序的
cluster/collective/aggregation group/ accumulation/collection 集合
coalesced jointed 结合的
coincided with corresponded to 恰逢
collapse all inward 崩溃
comparable similar 可比较的
compelling persuasive 有说服力的
compensate for make up for 补偿
comprise consist of 构成
conducive favorable to 有助于
configuration arrangement 结构
confirming proving 证实
conform to match 符合
congregate gather 聚集
consensus widespread agreement 共识
constant continued 连续不断的
constitute compose 构成
consult ask 咨询
continuous unceasing 连续的
controversial debated 有争议的
core center 核心
corresponds approximately to that of something match roughly that of something 大约符合
counter combat 对抗
couple with combine with 与…相结合
culmination end 告终
cultivate encourage the growth of 培养
decipher figure out 破译
define identify 定义
dense thick 密集的
deplete use up 耗尽
deposit put 放置
derived from/ acquire obtained from 获取
detect distinguish 察觉
dismiss reject 驳回
distinct/ discrete/ segregated/ separate 有区别哦
distinctive recognizable 独特的
distortion irregularity 扭曲
divert redirect 转移
domestic household 国内的
dramatically significantly 显著地
drastic very significant 急剧的
duty responsibility 职责
ease into slowly enter 慢慢来
elaborate develop 详细说明
elevated high 高的
emanate from originate from 源于
emergence appearance 出现
emit release 释放
enabling allowing 使能够
end purpose 目的
erase/eradicate eliminate 消除
exceedingly extremely 极其
exceptional extraordinary 特别的
excessive too much 过量的
excluded from removed from 排除
exclusively solely 仅仅
exploit fully use 利用
extensive considerable 大量的
extreme great 极端的
flee run away 逃走
fleeting brief 短暂的
fluctuation variation 变动
formidable  impressive 令人生畏的
fragile/vulnerable easily damaged 脆弱的
fragments pieces 碎片
functions role 作用
further additionally 更进一步地
generally usually 通常
generate produce 产生
gross overall 总的
heighten increase 提高
henceforth from now on 从此以后
hollow empty 空的
ideal/exquisite perfect 理想的
implement carry out 实施
in essence basically 本质上
in profile view from the side 从侧面
in response to as a result of 由于
in retrospect in reconsidering the past 回顾
in turn subsequent 相应地
indefinitely endlessly 无限期地
indiscriminate/chance random 随意的
induce cause 导致
inexplicably mysteriously 莫名其妙地
initiative action 行动
innumerable countless 不计其数的
insight perceptiveness 洞察力
instrument/implement tool 工具
insure/ ensure guarantee 确保
integral/critical/indispensable essential 至关重要的
integrate combine 结合
intensive strong 强烈的
invariably always 一贯地
irritating annoying 令人恼怒的
justification good reason 理由
launch start 发起
live in strictly aquatic habitat only live in aquatic environment 只生活在水生环境中
lone single 单个的
lucrative profitable 有利可图的
magnitude extent 规模
maintain claim 宣称
many-segmented be divided into several parts 分成多个部分的
marvelous wonderful 神奇的
mask hide 隐藏
mechanism means 手段
merely only 仅仅
modest reasonable/ small 适度的
momentum push 动力
more permeable had more places where crossings could occur 能渗透的
motives reasons 动力
much deterioration worsening condition 恶化
mundane/commonplace ordinary 平凡的
net  final 最后的
nevertheless even so 然而
obliged forced 强制
obstruction barrier 阻碍
occasionally sometimes 偶尔
optimal ideal 最佳的
or so roughly 大概
ornamented decorated 装饰
outlying far from the center 边远的
parallel happen at the same time and rate 与…同时发生
peculiar unusual 独特的
periodically at regular intervals of time 周期性地
permeate spread throughout 弥漫
perplexing puzzling 使…迷惑
persistently constantly 持续的
persuade  talk into 说服
pioneering original 先驱的
portable movable 便携的
posterity future generations 子孙
postulate propose 假设
pragmatic / feasible practical 务实的
preoccupation concern 关注
prerequisite necessary 必要的
presume suppose 猜想
prevailing dominant 盛行的
profound significant 深刻的
profusely abundantly 极丰富地
proliferate increase quickly 猛增
prolong/ lengthen extend 延长
pronouncement statement 声明
pursue/ practice engage in 从事
quest search 探索
readily quickly 迅速地
recall  remember 回忆起
recognize/ admit accept 承认
recommend support 推荐
recovery return to normal 回复
rekindle renew 重新点燃
relatively comparatively 相对地
reluctantly unwillingly 犹豫地
remote distant 遥远的
renewed restored 恢复
repetitive happening many times 多次重复的
replenish/ renew restore 恢复
resistance opposition 抵抗
resolve settle 解决
resume begin again 继续进行
retain/sustain/maintain keep 维持
revered greatly admired 敬重的
rigid fixed 死板的
ruled out excluded 排除
sabotage/ mutilate intentionally damage 伤害
scanty few 少的
scarce rare 缺乏的
scarcity insufficiency 缺乏
scenario version of events 方案
sculpt shape 雕塑
secure get 争取到
seek look for 搜寻
seldom not often 很少
sentimental emotional 情绪化的
sequence series  一系列
severely greatly 极大地
shrinkage reduction 收缩
simultaneously at the same time 同时
skepticism doubt 怀疑
sleek smooth 光滑的
slightly by very small amounts 少量地
sought tried to obtain 寻求
spectacular remarkable 引人入胜的
stamina endurance 耐力
stance posture 立场
startled/ astonishing surprised 惊讶的
still motionless 静止的
straightforward simple 简单的
subtly slightly 微妙地
successive following 连续的
sufficient/suitable enough/ adequate 足够的
superficially on first impression 表面地
systematically methodically 系统地
tangible physical 实际的
temporary short-term/ brief 暂时的
tend take care of 照料
terminate  end 终止
thoroughly carefully 全面地
underlie  on the basis of 是...的基础
uniform/ compatible/ unvarying consistent 一致的
unintentional unplanned 非故意的
unprecedented never before achieved 前所未有的
upon reflection after consideration 反思之后
viable capable of succeeding 可行的
vigorous energetic 有活力的
virtually almost completely 几乎
vocation occupation 职业
widespread common 普遍的
with regard for concern for 关注
worshiper who visit the temples 崇拜者
wrought created 精制的


1. Many university students are encouraged to study in majors more needed in the job market, like science, technology, engineering, math. 你是否认为学生应该选择STEM,而不是自己感兴趣的学科。

2. 以下哪个对于high school teachers是最重要的 (students aged 15 to 18)

-The ability to give advice about planning for future.

-The ability to recognize students that need help.

-The ability to encourage students to learn outside of the classroom by themselves.

3. 家长应该express their disagreements to the teacher if parents find the teaching method incorrect.

4. 大学应该花钱 improving facilities而不是hiring famous teachers.

5. 你选哪种工作?a high-paying job with long hours or a job with an average pay yet with normal work hours.  

6. 公司最重要的investment improving the working ability of its employees.  

7. 一个领导需要admit his or her mistake.

8. Competition between friends会负面影响友谊.

9. In order to succeed, it is better to be like others rather than different from everybody else.

10. 你同不同意?It is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than save money for the future.

11. 人们应该relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.

12. Scientists have been working to make technology easier and more human friendly. 你认为科技如何影响了我们的生活

13. 住在小城镇和乡下的人are more satisfied with their lives than those living in big cities.

14. 政府是否应该支持scientific research which does not have practical uses.

15. 过去的人比现代的人更乐意improving their neighborhoods.

16. 为了attract more tourists, 政府应该 improve the safety by hiring more police or improve the cityscape by improving old buildings and streets.

17. It is easier to identify which job is securer and more promising today than before.  

18. 对于政府来说the most effective way to encourage energy conservation is to increase the price of gasoline and electricity.



Task 1

1. what is the one style of clothing that students in your school tend to wear? 为什么喜欢这种风格的衣服Include specific reasons and details in your response.


2. Talk about a special event that you recently participated in with your families and friends. Describe it in details.



3. Describe an occasion in your country where people give gifts to each other and the kind of gift that’s common.


4. When do you think is a good time for a person to learn a second language?


5. In every culture there are some customs or traditions from the past that young people no longer follow. Describe a custom or tradition which formed in the past but you wish it is still popular today. Give specific reasons why you wish it still popular.


6. Is it important to be polite and have good manners?


7. Which of the following three do you think is the most important for a great working environment? Friendly coworkers, flexible hours or a helpful boss?


8. How do you usually reward yourself after hard work?


9. Imagine that you have to stop using cell phone for a month, would that be difficult for you?


10. What do you think is the best way for the tourists to know a city? Taking an organized tour, Visiting the museums in the city, Walking down the city streets.


11. 你觉得人生的哪个阶段是最困难的, being a kid, a teenager or an adult?


12. If one of your friends is always late for events and appointments,你会给他一些什么建议来帮助他变得更守时?


13. 研究表明:people are supposed to sleep for at least 8 hours a day, but as a matter of fact, 很多人每天都只睡6.5个小时。What do you think is the impact of sleeping to people's lives? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer


14. 一些现在的火车专门设有安静车厢 where passengers are not allowed to speak loudly and use cell phones, laptops or other mobile devices that produce loud sounds. 你觉得这是个好主意吗?Explain why or why not.


15. 学生们需要在期末的时候 evaluate their professors吗?


16. Which of the following classes would you like to take: 1) history of science; 2) art history; 3) science of the 20th century?


17. describe one experience that your friend disappointed you and how you reacted to it.


18. Which one of the following qualities do you think a good school should have? Helpful classmates, knowledgeable teachers or 严格的规矩?


19. Choose among the following three activities that your school is planning to hold? 1. theater performance by student actors 2. concert by professional musicians 3.著名教授讲座


20. What is the best way for parents to help their children succeed in school? Use details and examples to explain your answer.


Task 2

1. What kind of job will you choose? 一份钱多的工作or a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


2. When getting advice, some people prefer to go to their parents, others prefer to go to their friends. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


3. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that employees should be prohibited to listen to music at work.


4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Friends can maintain friendship even if they have disagreements.


5. Some people prefer to watch 娱乐性质节目on TV. Others prefer to watch educational programs. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


6. To be successful in sport, which is more important? Talent or hard work?


7. Some people like to take less informative but interesting lectures, others like to take boring but more content rich lectures. Which do you prefer?


8. some people prefer recording life by taking pictures or keeping diaries, others prefer doing nothing. Which one do you prefer?


9. Some people think that business and industry need to be developed, even if the development of them affect environment; other people think that environment need to be protected from the development of business and industry. What do you think?


10. Which one do you prefer, taking part in a lot of activities and arranging a full schedule, or having lots of free time in your schedule?


11. 有些人更喜欢活在当下, others prefer to be prepared for the future and plan ahead. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


12. 你觉得哪个更好:有些老师喜欢让学生一整个学期就坐在一个位置上. Other teachers think students can choose their own seats each time and sit in different seats. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


13. 你觉得人们应不应该dress following fashion trends?


14. When students have questions about an assignment for class, 有些人喜欢去和教授讨论. Others prefer to ask other students in the class for help understanding the assignment. Which do you prefer? Explain why?


15. 你觉得通过 plastic surgery来改变自己的appearance是件好事吗?


16. Do you agree or disagree that students would learn more if the teachers assign them with more schoolwork?


17. Do you agree or disagree that government should ban violence and dirty words in TV programs?


18. 你觉得做一件事,是过程重要还是结果重要?


19. Which one do you prefer? Review your notes after class and keep doing this throughout the whole semester 还是期末的时候再回顾复习笔记?


20. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that It is important for all university students to engage in social activities such as joining clubs or sports groups. Use details and examples to explain your answer.





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