2016-01-26 10:48
第一篇:环境的经济成本 Environmental Values
介绍了environmental values的概念,然后分析了由于现代商业体系导致环境破坏的成本未算入到商品价格里,所以一些水电资源过度消费带来了环境问题。文章给出 full-cost pricing的解决方案,但是实施起来会有困难。不过即使实施有困难,一些相关方面已经开始执行比如排污征税等。
解析:本篇文章属于典型的问题解决类文章,提出问题一分析问题一给出解决方案-对方案进行评价,此类文章通常按照此行文顺序进行发展。本篇文章属三篇当中难度系数最高的一篇,难在段落长(共4 段),句式复杂(文章运用了大量倒装句式),句子表达抽象等,所以考生要在备考中需养成对信息进行分层,并且对段落进行主要信息归纳的习惯,学会去处理复杂句式比如倒装,省略,宾语后置,主谓分离等,并且要习惯英文抽象性表达的特点。
TPO14 Maya Water Problems
TPO3 Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer
TPO17 Europe’s Early Sea Trade with Asia
第二篇:古典时期以后的中国经济发展Economic Change in Postclassical China
本篇文章讲述了宋朝和唐朝的经济快速发展,主要是由农业分工和发达的国内贸易导致的。河网连接各个人口密集的大城市也为贸易提供了可能,沿海贸易最为发达。与欧洲国家相比,中国的城市化有它自身的特点,强大的政府支持带来了大型国营企业为其统治阶级服务,不过这种经济也因朝代的陨落而落寞。这篇文章是典型的现象分析类的文章,主要讲一种社会现象造成的原因,考生在抓文章大意的时候可以采用典型的 Causes & Effect 类文章的思路来捋顺文章结构。
TPO18 Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia
TPO10 Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth
TPO16 Trade and the Ancient Middle East
解析:本篇属于常考的生物类话题,比较了蜜蜂和大黄蜂作为传粉者的优劣。对于生物类话题是相较于社会科学和人文科学类较为简单的文章类型,没有特别抽象的概念,考生在处理此类文章的时候一定要提前熟悉常考的生物类话题(比如鸟类迁徙,恐龙灭绝,海龟鸟类导航,海洋生物发光,远古鱼类的进化等), 以及关的生物类学科词汇,以免在阅读的过程中由于词汇的问题导致阅速度减慢和准确度下降。
TPO11 Begging by Nestlings
TPO17 Animal Signals in The Rain Forest
TOP11 Orientation and Navigation
TPO08 Extinction of The Dinosaurs
TPO15 A Warm-blooded Turtle
ignored =pay no attention
potential = possible
embraced = adopted
property = wealth
substantial= significant,large
nominal = named their relatives and even servants as the persons in charge but did not give them
enduring = lasting
inadvertently = unintentionally
overwhelmingly = without doubt
conversation 1:学术场景
教授问及好久未见是否是学生换了专业(major/concentration) 。其实学生是在跟另一个教授做magazinepublish的事情,学生表示自己也想独立进行一次杂志出版。教授根据这个给出了某学生做成此事的例子,并建议学生采用例子中的方法。
lecture 1: engineering and architecture
主要讨论建筑学中构建摩天大楼时需要考虑的因素,wind和建材,对于摩天大楼外形和内部结构的影响。举例子说明时,引用了芝加哥摩天大楼例子,提到了圆柱型(cylinder)结构和流体动力学(dynamics);另外也有列举迪拜摩天大楼的现存尚题,当前仍然存在的问题;还提到了电脑镆拟技术;提及了一项technology可以用来examine/ test这些影响因素,并且讲到了这个technology的优势和益处(考题)
lecture2: arthistory
lecture 3: archaeology
lecture 4: biology plankton related,
相关专有名词较多,解释性的信息也比较多;文中讲到以plankton 为食的海洋动物是通过过滤吃法吃掉食物的,又例举了相似过滤吃法的例子。中间穿插有学生提问问到“plankton”的定义,老师对此进行了解释说明;
论文写作场景是托福听力考试中常常出现的学术对话情景。主要讨论论文写作 ,具体话题信息可包括话题的确定(topic是否是合理的,通常是toobroad/ambitious),写作技巧方法(writingskills),文章结构(well-structured,logically connected),资料查询(resource, materials)等话题。tpo中常见这些讨论,比如:
TPO 6 conversation 2
TPO 12 conversation 1
TPO11Lecture2 (residential architecture居民建筑)
艺术类讲座包含音乐,绘画(painting,portrait),雕塑(sculpture),摄影(photography),舞蹈及舞台场景设计(choreography/setting/stagedesign) 等类别,不同的艺术家往往各有千秋(artistic style)。此类讲座的文章通常细节量较大且信息的碎片化程度较高;遇到这类文章,要做好主旨信息的把握,完成信息的提取,理解和识别;大家可以通过具体的文章练习进行熟悉:
TPO 19 Lecture 4
TPO 21 lecture 4
TPO 24 Lecture 2
TPO23 Lecture 1- Archaeology (Antikythera Mechanism)
TPO33Lecture 1 (architecture and archaeology)
TPO 15 Lecture 4
TPO22 Lecture 3 (Zoology)
TPO21 Lecturc3 Biology(Snake Evolution)
TPO19 Lecture 3 Marine Biology (Plant Life in Salt Marshes)
Task 1
There are three history subjects, choose one that you would like to learn,history ofscience, art history of science,art history.(另外一个不记得)
Sample answer:
I would definitely go with the art history class. Cause basically, I’m a huge fan of art, maybe that’s because I got influenced by my family members, especially my grandpawho’s a traditional Chinese painting artist. Since I was a little girl, I have seen so many art works from him. I feel like all his stunning art pieces would offer me so much sense of beauty of traditional Chinese culture, which also inspire me to get strong interest in art history, later on. I wanted to know how those talented people started their special way of creating their art works. Besides, getting more background information about art. I mean, the history of art might allow me to get deeper understanding of different art works. That could he awfully fantastic.
Some people prefer to make a schedule previously, however some others prefer to figure out what to do when the time comes. What do you prefer and explain why?
Sample answer:
Getting my schedule sat in an early stage would be a much favorable choice for me since I’m a person who always get preparation work done really well. When I set a schedule prettyearly,that means I got more time for preparation. Like in my daily study life, there are actually plenty examples,such as every time when I got an assignment to write a research paper. I would try to get a schedule immediately, like for how many days do I have to do background research, how many books do I have to read, even how many people do I have to interview, and in the later stage. I would also figure out the problems I’ve encountered in my whole research process, and then put appointments with different professor on my schedule. All those stuff I used to do truly helped me a lot to work out my project very efficiently.
学校要open a child care center,可以加助教职工照顾孩子,收费便宜,其次给在那里工作的学生提供工作的机会。对话中男生同意,因为教职工工作压力大还要照顾孩子很painful有人帮他们照顾孩子,收费又很便宜当然很好;此外对他也有好处,那个教授建议他可以找一个teaching job。
Sample answer:
The university is planning to open a children care center for all teaching staff. In the audio part the female student is one hundred percent a supporter for that. Cause basically, as a matter fact that most of the teaching staff are covering so much workthat means it would be an overwhelming thing for them to take care of their children by themselves, in this case, if they are allowed to send their children to the caring center, it would be such a release for them.
Moreover, it’s also a fantastic idea for the students who are looking for ajob in the children care center, since they are gonna be paid with sum of money. Like the manhimself, he’s gonna try to get a teaching job in the care center to teach the children there to get some money.
Transitional forms 介于古生物和现代生物之间,有两者的特征。Lecture里面讲了一种鱼,既可以用gill呼吸,而且bones和land animal 很相像,strong to support the weight.生活在shallow water 也可以用fin在陆地上找食物。
Sample answer:
Transitional forms of animals are the species that live between their ancient ancestors and modern species of that animal that we are familiar with. For instance,there's kind of fishwhich is able to breathe with their gillsand live in the shallow ocean. These type of fish also has very strong structure, they have bones just like what the land animals have, which allow them Support their weight when they are swimming in the shallow water, or when they are trying to search food on land.
Task 5
女生找到一个在book center服务的工作,然而在学期刚开始她就申请了一个physical affair的组织工作,现在出现冲突。两个选择,一是暂停书店的工作,但是缺点是没有钱;另一个是找另外一个女生帮助她处理组织工作,然而她们两个人经常会有disagreement,会浪费时间。
Sample answer:
The woman got a job in a book center, however she also need to do a job as an organizer in a physical affair at the same time, she doesn’t know what to do. There are two solutions mentioned in the later part of the talk. One is, she can quit the job in the book store first, so she could focus on the organizing part in the physical part. However I would say I will recommend another one, that is finding another person to cover the organizing part of the job in the physical affair. For one thing,although there used to be some disagreementif she could try to understand another person better. I believe there won’t be a big problem for them to work out the disagreement. For another thing,if she quit the job in the book center, that means she won’t get the payment any more, as she still needs the money, it won’t be a good choice.
Task 6
有关photography的,过去相机没有现在的功能好,所以当时的photographers 用了两个方式去改善照片的质量。一是cut and paste,就是把不同照片中各自好的部分剪下来然后进行拼贴;第二个是用画笔涂上颜色,使照片更加的appealing。
Sample answer:
The function of cameras in old time was not good enough. So people figured out two ways to improve the quality of pictures. The first one is cut and paste. They cute off the best part of each picture and paste it together to make the pictures look better; the second way is painting some colors on the pictures, so those pictures could be moreappealing.
全球变暖(Global Warming)对美洲鼠Pika的影响
背景介绍:American Pika also called mouse hare and rock rabbit. Pika are especially vulnerable for global warming for the following reasons.
第一分论点:温度升高,美洲鼠必须迁徙。In the face of increasing global temperature, as most vertebrates are moving upslope or to northern latitudes. But American pikas cannot easily move northward, as their habitat is currently restricted to small, disconnected habitat “islands” in numerous mountain ranges.
第二分论点:夏季无法储存大量的食物。Earlier aging of vegetation may mean increased stress for the pikas.
第三分论点:雪水融化,美洲鼠或将冻死。Higher temperature in the winter melt the snow pack that insulates the pika's home, pikas risks freezing to death.
第一分论点:美洲鼠不用迁徙,可以躲藏在一些类似石头缝的地方。Pikas maybe able to survive at lower elevations because cold air tends to pol on the steep rock slopes and canyons that they prefer.
第二分论点:美洲鼠在夏季并不需要消耗太多的食物,可以储存下来冬季吃。The food can be stored for the winter.
第三分论点:由于气候变暖,冬季的长度变短,即使太冷,也不会让美洲鼠完全不能忍受。The shortened winter makes even the freezing temperature tolerable.
独立写作:Some people believe that video games could inspire young students' interest and make their study more efficient rather than distracting them and a waste of time, so young students should be allowed to play video games.
Many parents with young children fret about the addictiveness of computer games these days. While the negative effects ranging from addiction, increased aggression and various health consequences such as strain injuries get far more media coverage than the positives, there is now a wealth of research which shows that video games can actually be put into educational use and affect the brain's development
Firstly, games that are designed to help teach and "brain training" have long and enormous popular appeal. According to an experiment conducted by the University of California, game players show improved performance in perception, attention and cognition. One of the redeeming qualities of all games, even those with violent content, is enhanced information-processing, logic-thinking and problem-solving abilities in novel contexts. In fact, while playing game, your brain is in the learning mode constantly, to move to the next level, you are vigorously improving your hand-eye coordination, enhancing split-second decision making and boosting auditory perception. Moreover, other carefully-designed studies have shown that video games improve several aspects of brain activity, including multitasking. Considering Pac-Man as an example, in that game, you must navigate your character through a spatial layout while monitoring the separate paths of four additional objects, while keeping the overall goal of clearing the small pellets in memory, as well as keep track of the remaining large pellets.
Secondly, games that convey positive social messages never fail to boost the children's confidence, encourage cooperation and teamwork. Games help children feel a sense of achievement, through those puzzles, exploration and discovery, players learn to succeed in ways that our brains actually prefer. Most games are designed to introduce a new concept and then provide players with an opportunity to master it. Children are then free to explore and utilize and achieve success with this new skill, growing in confidence all the while. Besides, many games today emphasize the cooperative aspects of game play, in which two or more players need to work together to reach a common goal. Taking a game called "World of Warcraft" as an example, children as young as 10 years old are learning to delegate responsibility, promote teamwork and steer groups of people toward a common goal. As video games themselves are not created by just one person, it is essential for the game players to pool everyone's talents together in order to require the desired product.
Admittedly, it is worth to consider the real concerns that today's parents have with video games, but it is also worthwhile to consider the benefits and positive aspects that contemporary interactive entertainment choices provide. Digital media such as computer games could inspire young children's interest, grow their intelligence and offer them a chance to escape from the mounting academic stress, as long as coupled with strong parental and teacher involvement.
From all the discussions mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that today's young students should be allowed to play computer games for the tremendous benefits they bring.
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