

2015-12-23 12:48





along with


associated with = connected to


conduct = carry out


confined = limited


distinctive = characteristic


duration = length


found wanting = found inadequate




harsh = severe


inevitable = necessary


remote = distant




vulnerable = easily damaged



  The Impacts of the Global climate and the Growth of Population on the Agriculture

  1. Ice Age是让原来的谷物限种于某些地方,warmer climate of the Ice Age让更多地方种植成为可能,导致农业发展

  2. 人口上涨导致农业发展的证据:

  1. 证明住到其他Arctic semi Arctic region因为人口

  2. 不怎么杀大型哺乳动物,吃其他的alternative food增涨

  3. 扯了个为什么一个种族evenly distributed,因为他们解决人口压力的办法就是跑到人少的地方(考了)




  Shaker Basket

  1. 第一段intro: Shaker住在美国,高冷的不与外界接触。他们的物品都是很少装饰,这与当时19世纪(题里说的19世纪)不一样,因为他们关注实用性,utility(考了)

  2. 第二段:Shaker汲取了当时外界的物品因素去改善自己的篮子。

  材料还是Ash wood,但是form就不一样,细节也不一样。

  比如:1. 编篮子加点皮革,耐脏,耐用。考了vulnerable的意思。这段很多细节,要耐心的看。考了几个细节题。

  3. 第三段:Shakers 如何与其他部落交流

  1. religious leader

  2. members

3. new coverts to shaker



  uniform(这个词的变形)of earth

  第一部分:原来认为是magical power造成了地表结构

  第二部分:一个科学家提出了自己的想法,他发现以往的理论和自己观察不符。他认为地球地表形成是一个循环过程,岩石erode / deposit in the sea by the traveling of water / then mountains up


第四段:我们现在的很多地理时期比如ice age在不同时期并没有那么重要。




女生丢了register card,没了就不能去博物馆看展览,因为本来需要写agricultural的论文,她去傅物馆找素材。这礼拜不去傅物馆就要买computer就要关门了。所以需要一个新的卡,然后老师以为她没有通过email发给他表格, 后来想起来女生己经填过了表格,然后说如果要新的卡需要预约,然后拍照什么的才能办理,但是因为她很着急,工作人员说就给她办了个临时的,女生说要去教授那里说她丢了card的事情,男的说今天我们这里关门了,你明后天应该能拿到正式的卡片。






海洋的水为什么流动的,生物学解释,先说有湿水也有热水形成对流然后举了新观点说是鱼群游动时候推的,女生问是不是鲸鱼推的多,它们的尾巴一摆就直接mix了,教授说小鱼群数目多,他们游动时候水流也很快。教授举了jellyfish ,说实验给它染色,每一次游动它都会把原来有颜色的水带走一部分,然后还说了水母只在晚上活动,白天在海洋里休息。因为怕捕食者。它们的活动还会给海面上带来很多浮游植物,它们产生的CO2让大气变暖同时给海洋保溫。



女生跑教授办公室,说她的关于古代艺术的presentation,说她其实更喜欢modern painting,但是她喜欢的一个现代画家用wax画那种cave风格的画。所以就想写这方面的,然后还说觉得很奇妙,明明cave的画是很早之前的,现在的画家却开始创作这种风格。教授说不错,然后告诉她cave风格是因为考古挖掘之后欧洲人就开始模仿画,就是每一次画都要好长时间才能干,但是画错了下次不涂就可以改。然后女生说我想做的presentation展示以下waxtexture,但是画不出来效果,想来问问哪里有实这种painting颜料的。教授说巧了,我有个同亊从别的大学来的,我让他这周办个课专门讲cave你问他。






  讲罗马雕塑和传统古典希腊雕塑,一群同学看完博物馆里的雕塑,教授说开始讨论下罗马和希腊的雕塑有什么区别,学生说罗马全是抄希腊的。老师说罗马雕塑更描写人,尤其是脸部,希腊最开始是幻想完美的神像,完美的身材,完美的脸庞。到了Helen开头那个时期他们开始画真人的model。然而这个时候里比较厉害的是罗马的,old ancient period是希腊比较厉害。然后罗马人在钱帀上也有portrait,还说了罗马人会根据人物的不同给予不同的面部特征。比如他们之前要做一个ancestormask。还有一个leader的头部雕像都很严肃。有个photo讲那个时期的一位女性雕塑,头上插满玫瑰花,然后面带微笑,仿佛看着被统治的人。所以说罗马也不都是模仿希腊,女生重复。


Task 1

Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of eating fast food.

Every coin has two sides. Eating fast food can be beneficial and harmful at the same time. The fact that we get to keep our meal plans affordable probably is one of the biggest advantages of eating fast food. Take myself as an example, my parents give me a 500-yuan allowance every month, and since I want to save as much as possible for my school trip to Europe at the end of the semester, I try to spend as little as possible on lunch. So instead of going to a fancy restaurant with my classmates for lunch, I go to this little pizza place on the corner of the street and get a slice of a pizza and a large coke. The food is not bad and it only costs me 15 yuan which means I get to save more money for the trip. But I have to admit T ve been putting on a few pounds since I started eating fast food for lunch every day. If s not very healthy for you. That' s why I try to keep my dinner very light. This way I can get a balanced diet

Task 2

Some people prefer finishing their projects long before the due date while others prefer finishing their projects right before the deadline. Which one do you prefer and why?

I personally prefer finishing my tasks long before the due date for the following reasons. First of all, it makes me feel more at ease knowing that I have enough time before the deadline. I tend to get really anxious when the due date gets closer and I can' t get any work done. For example.last summer vacation I went to London with my parents to visit a family friend, we were supposed to stay there for two weeks but we had so much fun that we decided to extend our stay. So when we finally came back home, I had only 4 days to finish my history research paper. I felt so nervous during these 4 days, I couldn't t clear my mind and I ended up wasting a lot of time writing about something that was not even close to my topic, and I couldn't t sleep well at night with all the stress. It was not a very pleasant experience, so now I always make sure I finish my work long enough before the deadline. Plus, finishing the tasks long before the due date also means that we will have more time to revise our work. You can’t really ensure the quality of your work when you do it last minute.

Task 3

The university is planning to limit the enrollment in art class due to two reasons. The first reason is because there are so many students in a class right now that they can' t have enough interaction with the professor. And the second reason is that this decision will help the university to save money since they no longer have to spend so much money purchasing a sculpture for all students. In the conversation, the woman disagrees with the plan. Her first reason is that even though students may not get that much attention from the professors, if s still better than not being able to take the classes at all. At least students still get to learn something when they are able to take the course. As for the second reason, the woman points out that if the university doesn't t have enough money to purchase what students need for the class, they can ask the students to pay for themselves.

Task 4

In the lecture, the professor introduces the concept of sensory memory ,which means we can remember something for a brief time after the stimulation is gone, but we won’ t be able to recall all the details. He offers us an example to illustrate it. In an experiment several participants were asked to look at some letters. Then the researchers made the alphabet disappear and the participants were asked to name the letters they saw a while ago. It turned out that the participants were still able to remember the image of the alphabet but they could only name a few letters they saw which means that they were not able to recall all the details. That’ s how the professor uses the experiment to illustrate the concept of sensory memory.

Task 5

The woman’ s problem i5 that she locked herself out of her dorm and all her stuff is still in there. There are two possible solutions. The first one is to go to the library and finish her work there. And the second solution is to go to her roommate and borrow her key to the dorm. If I were in her shoes, I’ d choose the first solution because the library is a perfect place to finish her work, also she can do some research for her paper there. I personally don’ t recommend the other solution because her roommate is rehearsing for a very important play, it’ s a little selfish and inconsiderate for her to disturb her roommate. That’ s why in this case, I think the first solution is a better option.

Task 6

In the lecture, the professor talks about two ways animals keep their soft-shelled eggs moist The first way is to lay their eggs in water. Take frogs as an example, frogs lay their eggs in water, and since there’ s enough water surrounding the soft-shelled eggs, it’ s very easy for the eggs to stay moist. The other way is make use of the internal structure of the eggs. Take snakes as an example, snakes’ habitat is usually very farfrom the source of water1 but snakes’ eggs still get to stay moist because of the wet internal structure in the eggs. That’ s how the professor uses the example of frogs and snakes to explain different ways animals keep their soft-shelled eggs moist.





cave painting of Lascaux relates to hunting

1animals painted onthe wall get hurtinjuredby such arrows perhaps

1 There are many other small animals paired onthe wall.These animalswere not hunted,suchas cats. Still, there aremany animals that are not injured, and no arrows on them.

2 Some human images on the wall are wearing animal heads. One explanationforthisis that they are often disguised themselves as animals

2 In addition to their own hunting camouflage with animal heads,the heads as well as for other purposes.

3 painting ofanimalsis regarded asblessing tomake their hunting successful.

3 spirit ofthey cancommunicatewith themthroughspecial ceremonies.

独立写作:The best leader should spend more time listening to other people’s ideas than taking his/her own ideas.

  History remembers great leaders—kings, presidents, CEOs, and the like—largely for the decisions they make. However, what we often forget is that these decisions are rarely made alone—leaders will often rely on the help of others when weighing their options. While some leaders may prefer to make decisions alone, I think the most effective ones will involve others in the decision-making process.

  Firstly, letting others participate in the process creates stronger bonds and more trust between the leader and the rest of the group. When others in the group are brought into the decision-making process, they will feel more valued and more essential to the group's success. This will engender a stronger sense of camaraderie and belonging, and subsequently, will lead them to work harder to see their group succeed at their task. Also, they will gain some insight into how the leader makes his or her decisions. This will make the leaders decisions seem less mysterious or arbitrary. The group will come to trust the leader's decisions more in the future—even when they are not part of the decision-making process.

  Secondly, a leader must attend to many things that demand his or her attention, and making so many judgment calls without the aid of others can be extremely tiring. In fact, studies have shown that the act of decision-making actually fatigues the brain, and that people can only make a limited number of decisions per day before mental performance starts to dip and bad decisions start to be made. This is why people often agree to add needless and expensive options to a new car purchase at the car dealership—after hours of haggling with sly car salesmen over the details of a purchase, they are sapped of all their decision-making sense, and suddenly adding an expensive package to your purchase might not seem like such a bad idea. For the same reason, leaders should involve others when making decisions so that they stay sharp for as long as possible.

  Finally, when leaders have others involved in the decision-making process, they have people to double-check the quality of their decisions. This is related to the above point about decision fatigue—since leaders usually make the most decisions out of anyone in the group, they will inevitably make a bad decision once in a while. No leader will be working at 100% efficiency all the time. However, if a leader can rely on others to set him or her straight, then it is okay if he or she slips up once in a while because others can point out the problem and set the leader back on the right course. So involving others in the decision-making process not only helps leader prevent fatigue-induced errors, but it also minimizes the damage when these errors do occur.





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