2015-12-23 09:12
Task1:Now more and more people like eat in fast food restaurant. Talk about some advantages and disadvantages of eating in fast food restaurants.
Sample answer:
One advantage of eating fast food in that it really helps to save my time cuz my schedules are really tight recently. Sometimes after finishing an experiment at noon, I need to rush to another class from one side of campus to another in 30 minutes. Basically, I can’t be relaxed and sit down to eat a meal. So at that time, grabbing a burger with a can of coke could be the most sensible option for me.
But the disadvantage is also obvious. You know the food provided by a fast food restaurant is not that healthy like fried chicken wings and French fries which are in high calories. Then it is fairly possible that we will become overweight. Also, the nutrition can’t be well balanced.
Task2: Some people prefer to finish their projects long before the due date. While other prefer to finish their projects right before the deadline. Which one do you prefer and why?
I think to finish a project long before the due date is more sensible. First, it can ensure that the task will finally be accomplished in time. For example, if I don’t start off the paper that early and put it off until it is close the deadline, maybe some emergency will occur. Like, some other teachers will possibly assign other work to us, or I might feel ill and can’t focus on my project several days before deadline. In that lind of situation, I won’t hand in my paper in time, which can lead to the lower grade. Second, the high quality of the project is another consideration. When we are trying to do a project, we will surely meet some problems and difficulties. So we need enough time to think over the questions, find out the solutions and even revise them over and over. If the time is limited, the result might not be so satisfying.
[阅读]学校通知:缩小雕塑课的规模。1 学生不能和教授多交流。
2. 雕刻原材料太贵买不起。
[听力] 女生同意
2, 雕塑材料学生可以自己买。
Sample answer:
The university is planning to limit the enrollment in art class due to two reasons. The first reason is because there are so many students in a class right now that they can’t have enough interaction with the professor. And the second reason is that this decision will help the university to save money since the no longer have to spend so much money purchasing a sculpture for all students in the conversation. The woman disagrees with the plan. Her first reason is that even though students may not get that much attention from the professors, it’ll still better than not being able to take the classes at all. At least students still get to learn something when they are able to take the course. As for the second reason, the woman points out that if the university doesn’t have enough money to purchase what students need for the class, they can ask the students to pay for themselves.
[阅读]: sensory memory, 人在接受刺激之后,刺激物消失后,记忆仍然可以持续几秒。
[听力]: 实验,电脑上有12个字母轮流出现,参与者要求在结束后复术顺序,参与者在刚结束的时候还可以复述顺序,参与者在刚结束时候还可以复述部分,但是时间长了就什么也不记得了。
Sample answer:
In the lecture, the professor introduce the concept of sensory memory,
Which means we can remember something for a brief time after te stimulation is gone, but we won’t be able to recall all the details. He offers us an example to illustrate it. In an experiment, several participants were asked to look at some letter. The researchers made the alphabet disappear and the participants were asked to name the letters they say a while ago. It turned out that the participants were still able to remember the image of the alphabet, but they could only name a few letter the saw witch means they were not able to recall all the details. That’s how the professor uses the experiment to illustrate the concept of sensory memory.
学生困难: 女生把钥匙锁在寝室里了,寝室管理员没有备用钥匙,回不去。
解决方案:1)去图书馆做社会学的作业,但是notes 很多都在宿舍里,
候还可以复述部分,但是notes 很多都在宿舍里,但他仍然可以做一些。 2)去找在music building 排练的室友要钥匙,但是室友演的是核心角色,不想打断她。
The woman’s problem is that she looked herself out of her dorm and all her stuff is still in there. There are two possible solutions. The first one is to go to the library and finish her work there. And the second solution is to go to her roommate and borrow her key to the dorm. If I were in her shoes, I’d choose the first solution because the library is a perfect place to finish her work also she can do some research for her paper there. I personally don’t recommend the other solution because her roommate is rehearsing for a very important play. It’s a little selfish and inconsiderate for her to disturb her roommate. That’s why in this case, I think the first solution is a better option.
讲课要点:2 ways that animals use to keep eggs moisture. 1, 产在水里。例子:青蛙的卵jellylike, 所以水可以进到卵里,就可以moisture。
2,特殊内部结构释放粘液。 例子,蛇在沙漠里,但是他们有special structure 可以保证卵wet。
Sample answer:
In the lecture, the professor talks about two ways of animals use to keep heir soft-shelled eggs moist. The first way is to lay their eggs in water. Take frogs as an example, frogs lay their egg in water, and since there’s enough water surrounding the soft- shelled eggs, it’s very easy for the egg to stay moist. The other way is make use of the internal structure of the eggs. Take snake as an example, snakes’ habitat is usually very from the source of water, but snakes’ egg still get to stay moist because of the wet internal structure in the eggs. That’s how the professor uses the example of frogs and snakes to explain different ways animals use to keep their soft-shelled eggs moist.
机经命中率为6中1 --Task。2命中12月口语机经大范围。 Task 1此题为餐馆负面的影响,角度很多,优势可以考虑角度1)省时间,2)省钱3)美味。缺点:1)不健康,2)吃起来太快,和朋友无法交流促进感情。这道题在今年下半年考题中算是非常简单,可能是ETS要过圣诞了,懒得折腾。Task2为工作场景,角度划分为1)效率,2)质量。理由展开请同学使用对比及正面目分别植入场景,不要空谈道理,结合我们熟悉的场景就非常容易了。 Task3-6均属于常见话题范围之内平时表达时仍要遵循准确性,完整性,客观性以及间接性原则,做到不遗漏任何重要信息,不妄加主观评论,过分堆砌辞藻,做到语言的朴素。广大考试党要时刻检验自己过去的积累,摆正好心态,平稳应对,请继续努力!新东方哈尔滨学校官方微信:新东方哈尔滨学校(微信号:xdfhebxx)
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