

2015-12-16 10:13











shallow=small depth

profound= very strong



adjacent to= next to






解析:本文围绕板块运动对于生物多样性的影响进行讨论。与生物多样性相关的文章在TPO中多次涉及,特别是TPO3的The Long-term Stability of Ecosystem就详细讨论了生态系统的稳定性与多样性之间的关系。此类生物/生态类的文章在背景知识方面难度属于中低档,即大部分考生不会因为背景知识而明显干扰理解。考生们在备考的时候需要提前熟悉与生物/生态学相关的词汇,以免在阅读的过程中由于词汇的问题导致阅读准度下降和速度变慢。



解析:本文主要讲述了报纸是如何在欧洲各国出现并且兴起。属于历史类文章。历史类的文章和生物类的文章并列托福阅读文章两大高频考察学科。考生们在平时的备考中应重视对于类似题材与文章结构的TPO文章训练,如TPO29的The History of Water power。从结构上看,本文属于点面结构的文章,即以欧洲报纸为点,分段落展开讨论其发展历程,推动的因素,以为为社会带来的好处。考生们在做题的过程中,应该在完成一个段落以后马上在草稿纸中总结本段落的主旨,为做好文章最后一题服务。



  解析:本文围绕夏威夷的动植物是如何从大陆去到夏威夷展开。TPO的文章中,关于夏威夷的背景知识,在TPO9的The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii以及TPO27的The Formation of Volcanic Islands中都有详细描述,建议不熟悉的考生对这两篇文章做精读。从文章结构上来说,本文的结构清晰而段落主旨鲜明。同学们在阅读此类文章时,要注意分清段间关系,同时记住段落中举的例子所论证的观点,这对于解答修辞目的题以及文章小结题至关重要。



女生刚刚成为outdoor work shop的新晋会长,然后老师恭喜她,她就跟老师说有没有收到邮件,希望你能当我们leader,老师说你自己当就挺好的。然后想让这个教授做她的导师,因为她没做过leader就很紧张(问为什么紧张)。然后又说举行活动的一个地方被占了,反正吹了就问B什么什么可以吗? professor就说挺好啊,是outdoor的活动呀,教授还说可以搞一些introductory的活动,还可以培养collaboration定下以后活动的基调,然后这个女生说自己活动的计划之类之类的(这里有题),教授听了说你这不是想的很好吗,而且我有一个学生说可以为你的社团提供fund。


一个老师讲1900年欧洲音乐不一样了,观众群扩大,大家不再只是在沙龙里听音乐,还有音乐厅什么,然后这个时候兴起了一个叫做virtuoso的东西,就是艺术家们技艺十分高超,演奏流畅,举了一个小提琴家,就是Niccolo Paganini,他特别被人们喜欢不只是因为拉的很好,而且还有个人的image,报纸描述他深邃的双眼什么的还有神秘的异域背景,然后他的琴甚至都被特殊改造过这样能弹得更好。然后问在巴黎的时候怎么样,好像是大家喜欢他不只是因为想看他的演出,然后说在这个年代想要成功不能只创作,你还要确保你写的只有你或者其他virtuoso能演奏,但是批评说他们其实也没有那么复杂的技艺。然后当时的音乐人和现在的一样,都喝上也有关系,给钢琴厂代言,只用他们的钢琴演奏就能够免费用什么的。


蘑菇暴露在地上的只是很小的一部分,大部分在地下有一个很大的network来支持生存,但那不是最重要的,我要说的是surface的藤菇那一条条的叫gill spore就是在这里,然后说为什么一定要这样vertical position,因为蘑菇孢子很sticky (有题),不然传播不了,它每次都会产billion个孢子为什么因为很多落的很近就没有用,所以要让更多的趋势和发展的地方。后来又提了fungi, fungi和它们不一样,它是可以通过动物传播的,比如truffle就是松露,说以前都是拿猪来找,后来用狗来找,因为其实只有猪才会吃这个但是猪找到就吃了,狗不吃这种东西而且人们更喜欢狗的陪伴。


一个学生过来说作业是不是有椰树的限制,他想在paper里要放一个chart但是因为paper只要10页,所以一旦放上了图表太大。老师说不要紧。接着话题就转了,男生说想问另一个大学的项目,说老师不是在那里当教授吗肯定了解,说自己graduate的时候要读考古(研究陆地上东西那种),教授说为什么不是marine呢,你之前做的相关东西做的很好啊,这个学生说我不一定是要喜欢这个项目,其实我更喜欢另外一个standing building的,你以前上课上过,我跟smith教授也学这个来着,但是我想了解两个项目有什么不一样。然后教授说研究生不仅仅要学theory ,更多是 research,会用tools,还会去考古现场,男生说很感兴趣,接者着老师说,你不是很喜欢smith吗,说pro. Smith下周有一个考古项目 encourage student to join in.男生担心教授不会同意,但是老师说之前也有先例,可以去问问。


说新能源wind很好可是fluctuation很烦比如傍晚大家都要用电的时候没风了岂不是很讨厌,然后就说大家怎么来解决。第一个是给它partner像hydro什么的搭配用,第二个是把风交成电然后变成air压缩进一步井里坑里用的时候再转换出来,第三个是一些car回家就plug in了需要的时候从车里的电源调电它们需要的时候再还给它们,然后还说要知道wind fluctuation 很重要问why。


  比较hunter gather的人和群居发展农业的人,农业不是突然发生的,有什么好处,而仍然有人是hunter gather的。然后就有学生问既然有这么多好吃,为什么他们要hunter,是因为不会种菜么(有题),然后professor说不是skill的原因,是自己的选择,因为群居的有些坏处,更加不健康,因为吃的东西种类少,然后更矮,因为有动物,而且住的很近,所以disease更加容易传播。群居的人每天工作4个小时,而hunter的人动的更多,但是hunter更佳危险,更容易受伤。


Task 1

  If your parents have some extra money, how would you like them to spend it?

Personally speaking, I'd like my parents to spend the money on two things. The first thing to do is to buy me a new guitar. See I have been taking guitar lessons for almost 10 weeks now and I'm getting pretty good at it. Currently I'm using a second-hand guitar my cousin used to play. My dad said I just had to make do before I got better at it. I have always had this passion for music and it's always been my dream to become a rock star someday. I started a band with some of my classmates and I'm planning to have a concert by the time I finish my guitar lessons. So I could really a new guitar now, it doesn't have to be something fancy, but I think I deserve my own guitar now. The other thing I'd like them to do is to donate some money to charity, start a fund or something, to help those who are less fortunate. A small thing you do could make a big difference in their life sometimes.

  Task 2

  Do you agree or disagree that it's better for college students to choose their major after they spend a year of two in college?

I agree that it's better for students to choose their major after spending a year or two in college for the following reasons. Firstly, most of students need time to figure out what they're really interested in. Take myself as an example, I had to choose my major in my senior year in high school right before going to college. I didn't really know what each major meant back then. I mean we had a career consultant at school but still the information I could get from her was pretty vague. In the end I chose business management as my major simply because others told me it would be easy to look for a job after I graduate from college. Of course later I grew to love it. But I think if I was given more time, I could pick something that suited me better. Plus, spending a year or two in college means that students can get some advice from other experienced professors and students, these people can offer them more perspectives when they choose a major.

  Task 3

The university is planning to shut down the radio station due to two reasons. The first one is that few students listen to the radio. And the second reason is that it's getting more and more difficult to get volunteers to do the programs. In the conversation, the woman disagrees with the plan. Her first reason is that students nowadays prefer smart phones or the internet, they don't listen to the radio any more, the university should thinking about using the Internet as a platform to reach out to students. As for the second reason, the woman points out that students may not be interested in doing the programs now, but things will definitely change if the university could offer some extra credits to the volunteers.

  Task 4

In the lecture, the professor introduces the concept of eminent domain which means under certain circumstances the government has the right to reimburse the private households for their property to maximize the benefit of the country. He offers us his own example to illustrate it. A couple years ago the government decided to build a railroad to alleviate the traffic condition around the area, and this decision would affect his uncle's property. The government then tore down his uncle's house and reimbursed him for it. At first his uncle was very upset about it. But over time, the traffic condition around that area did get a lot better.

  Task 5

The woman's problem is that she's got a part-time job and she was late for work because of the traffic congestion, the situation will last like a week so she might be late again. There are two possible solution for her. The first one is to leave for work 15 minutes earlier. And the second one is to change a shift at work. If I were in her shoes, I'd go for the second solution because I'm sure she can work it out with one of her colleagues, they'll understand if she asks nicely, plus it's only a part-time job, she doesn't have to take it that seriously. I personally don't recommend the other solution because the 15 minutes she misses can be really important, she's going to miss out on some pretty valuable things if she left early.

  Task 6

  In the lecture, the professor talks about two reasons of the reduced water clarity. The first reason is sediment. Let's say there's a railway being built around a lake, with all the construction going on, a lot of soil gets washed down into the lake and thus reduce the water clarity of the lake. The second reason is the extra nutrients of plants. For example, farmers today fertilize the plants with fertilizers and the plants get a lot of nutrients, thus they would grow faster and better. But over time they cover up the surface of the lake and this blocks the sunlight which reduces the clarity of the water as well.














独立写作:Some people think that older children should be required to take care of the younger children. Others think that this should be done by parents or other adults. Which do you prefer?


  Forty years ago in China, due to the poor conditions, while parents were too busy to care about the family, older children needed to do a lot things, including taking care of their younger siblings. Quite differently, nowadays, since the living conditions become much better, the older children are reluctant to do this anymore. Consequently, however, they lose a chance to get such experience, which will help them a lot. Hence, from my perspective, older brothers should take the responsibility to attend to the younger children.

  Admittedly, some people would consider it as parents’ responsibility to take care of children. In their mind, children would be mature enough to handle various emergency, such as health problems, financial issues. Parents have gone through various challenges, so they are capable of helping children in curing the diseases by looking for the best doctors or collecting money to crack their financial burdens. However, on balance, parents in modern society would be too busy to spare time to take care of their children. It is not rare to see parents work overtime during weekdays; when they come home, their children have already fallen asleep, leaving them mere time to communicate, let alone giving care. In this way, asking older children to take care of younger children would be a better choice.

  To begin with, older children would be capable of dealing with younger children’s problems both from school and life. That is to say , siblings are willing to share their things with each. For example, when Jason is at his 10th grade in junior high school, he suffered from problems in his maths classes. He could not understand what the professor explains in class, which makes him fail nearly all the quizzes through the semester. After he tells his brother, Alex, Alex helps him review the maths homework every evening and explain the point that has puzzled him over and over till he could fully understand. Alex even look up for some tutorial materials where Jason could use to strengthen the impression about his homework. As a result, thanks to his brother, Jason could catch up with other classmates in maths and even get a B plus in his final.

  In addition, this can reinforce the relationship between siblings. As is known to all, many families are confronted with a problem that children are not in harmony with each other. For example, a classmate of mine in high school always fought with his brother often due to some tiny issues. This phenomenon results from the fact that present children are more selfish than before. They are reluctant to share. Nevertheless, suppose the older children offer to take care of their younger brothers, the younger one will in turn, be grateful for that. Therefore, the relationship between sibling can be strengthened.

  In sum, taking all advantages into consideration, older children are supposed to help parents look after the younger one. By doing so, not only parents, but also the kids will enjoy the benefits arising from it.





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