2015-12-08 15:07
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解析:本文围绕着在照片的发展史进行讨论。与植物学相关的话题是托福阅读的常客,也是学生们比较陌生的题材。学生在备考的时候需要提前准备与摄影相关的词汇,以免在阅读的过程中由于词汇的问题导致阅读准度下降和速度变慢。推荐阅读TPO21的The Birth of Photography。
解析:本文是城市化发展史的一篇文章。相关话题的文章多次在考试出现。与历史学以及地质学相关的文章在托福阅读文章非常常见。同样地,学生在做题之前应该先熟悉相关的词汇。从结构上看,本文文章主旨明确,结构清晰。从第二段开始,每段首句即为topic sentence的可能性较高。
解析:本文讨论了某个民族从原始社会向农业社会发展的原因。"现象-成因"讨论的文章在TPO中多次出现。同学们在阅读此类文章的时候,要注意分清每个段落中不同信息之间的相互关系。通常段落主旨出现在段首,而后面的内容都是对主旨的展开。建议对相关话题感兴趣的同学们可以阅读TPO21的The Origins of Agriculture。
用 language 不准确,要用 meaningful sound。
讲的是一种和当时traditional religious艺术不符的一种绘画艺术。产生的原因是当时king太小就让他的一个亲戚帮助管理,这位亲戚就非常喜欢beauty什么的,就是洛可可这种风格。这种风格比较注重details, 而且lighthearted描述日常生活。讲了具体的 —个画家例子,他主要画粉笔画和油画,不像别人一样粉笔画就是瞎画画,他的粉笔画画的也是细致的成品,很mysterious。接着说油画也很神奇,画了很多的party等(这时出来一幅画)就根据画的内容讲了一下有多轻松和细致。这画家也画了很多的dancer,因为她原来在剧院待过认识很多这样的人。
—开始就是原来讲的都是两个生物negative,影响一个破坏另一个。这次就说说共同发展的吧,就是yucca moth和yucca plants。这种植物需要moth帮忙散播种子进行生存繁衍。蜜蜂为什么不能pollinate呢?因为这植物太粘了,只有这moth可以。moth把eggs放在植物叶子上,小moth只能吃植物的种子不然就饿死。这时候有一个学生就confused了,他说如果moth在少量叶子上产大量eggs那植物不就被吃光啦?教授说了这植物也是挺机智的。如果一片上有太多eggs它就会drop然后大量的eggs活不了了。所以说为了提髙生存率moth不会这样做的。
为trader把东西什么的传遍欧洲,我们怎能知道这些的呢?通过sagas!sagas被认为不准确因为他们是在Viking时期结束后200年才写的。之前都是口头传送,但是这些saga其实还挺准的。上面提到了一个地方 (在地图上位置在Viking西边)然后研究表明这个地方的确有过人因为cooking的痕迹什么的,为什么没人了呢?太isolated了毕竟不能从遥远地方运东西过来,这是来证明saga挺准确的。
板块运动,讲述了一下板块运动的定义,就是地幔上面那一层,有各种各样的组成,在地壳运动中主要说了大陆分裂学说。举了欧洲和非洲的例子,还有南美和北美,最开始是一整块,后来慢慢就分开了。这样的分裂一半会形成海底盆地,但因为在盆地sea floor上所以很难研究。所以科学家找了个好研究的就是ice land。这里举了个例子,x African basin,因为这个basin地貌形成过程都很缓慢,然后就很震惊有一个地方居然移动超快,我们竟然可以观察到它的移动,就成两半了。最后对盆地的形成过程进行了说明。这是由于地震造成的,首先北边地震了然后似乎过了一段平静期然后地震跳到南部去了。然后就有lava出来了到裂缝中去了,后来lava冷却了就变成前文中提到的什么东西了。
Task 1
Which one of the following jobs deserves a higher salary? Teacher, policeman or nurse?
Personally speaking, I think policemen should get paid more money than the others for two reasons. Firstly, policemen face higher risks when at work. Police officers today are confronted with all sorts of problems, from petty theft to horrifying homicides. When we read newspapers or watch TV today, we can see police officers get hurt or even get killed in a lot of extreme cases. Just last month, 3 French policemen were fatally wounded in the terrorist attack. So it’s only fair and naturally policemen get paid more. Plus, policemen usually work way much harder. My neighbor used to be a policeman before he retired. It seemed like he was always at work. He always arrived home late and sometimes he was on call for 48 hours in a row. That’s why I think policemen deserve a higher salary.
Task 2
Should students be required to do volunteer work?
I think students should be required to do volunteer for the following reasons. Firstly, it’s important for students to learn to give back to the community at an early age. I first started volunteering when I was only 8 years old, I remember it was right before Christmas and my parents signed us up for volunteering in the soup kitchen in my neighborhood. I was the youngest volunteer there that day and I used a big ladle to serve hot soup to the homeless. That was kind of a milestone in my life because that was when I understood the importance of sharing what we have with the less fortunate and I also realized how good it feels when we know we are capable of helping others. Today volunteer work has become a big part of who I am and I think all students should learn the meaning of volunteering from an early stage of life. Plus, it’s a good chance for students to sharpen their communication skills. In volunteer work, more often than not, you will have to work with others in a group, that’s a good opportunity for students to learn to be great listeners while getting their own voices heard at the same time.
Task 3
The university is planning to move the theater off-campus due to two reasons. The first reason is that the theater now is way too small to accommodate the increasing number of students. And the second reason is that much better facilities can be offered in the new theater. In the conversation, the student disagrees with the plan. His first reason is that the location of the theater is extremely important for students. Most of them are reluctant to go downtown because it’s so inconvenient. As for the second reason, the student points out that students are already used to deal with the equipment they have now, they’re not trained to cope with fancier facilities, and it may not work out that well as expected in the end.
Task 4
In the lecture, the professor talks about the concept of information cascade which means people tend to follow others and make the same choice as them in spite of their own opinions when having to make a decision. He offers us an example to illustrate it. Once he went to a city he had never been to and he had to make a decision about where to have dinner. At first he wanted to go to an Italian place which was highly recommended by his guide book. But he noticed that one of the French restaurants was full of customers, so he decided to give it a try. Unfortunately it was not a very good experience, the food was worse than he expected and the restaurant couldn’t be compared to the Italian restaurant he wanted to go at first. It was full of customers probably because they all thought it was good because others chose to go there.
Task 5
The woman’s problem is that she got injured last week and she can’t perform in the dance. There are two possible solutions. The first one is to dance anyway and the second solution is to find someone to replace her. If I were in her shoes, I would go for the second solution because Beck is a great dancer, even though she’s not in the class and there’s little time to learn, I’m sure she can grasp the moves pretty quickly. I personally don’t recommend the other solution because the choreography will look weird and it may compromise the whole performance. That’s why in this case, I think the second solution is a better option.
Task 6
In the lecture, the professor talks about fish’s abilities to avoid predators. He offers us to examples to illustrate it. The first example is about zebrafish. Zebrafish have small hair cells under their membrane to help them detect predators in water. They can sense where the predator is by the water flow. The second example is about trout. Trout can stay still in flowing water. They can keep breathing while hiding under water. That’s how the professor uses these two examples to illustrate it.
罐头食物里的Lead是否导致了英国船员的死亡 |
1罐头用Lead封装,但是它不会进到食物里面 |
1工人甶于工作时间紧张,压力大,会粗心,导致密封不好 |
2当时其他轮船没有报告Lead导致的现象 |
2其他船员没有这个情况是因为没有检查或者没有报告,因为铅灰引起一些很常见的病,比如感到疲劳,头疼。船员可能忽略了 |
3还有其他更有可能的来源,比如净化水系统的管道也是由铅做的 |
3铅管道的净化系统是给船发动机供水的,和喝的水不是相同的方式 |
Do you agree or
disagree with the following statement: Government, instead of individuals,
should cover Internet fees.
Despite the huge
impact of the Internet, as a convenient tool for educational, vocational and
recreational purposes, offering free Internet access should be viewed as a
short-sighted, ill- considered proposal. For both personal and commercial
concerns, Internet with no charges will inevitably bring about unexpected
fallout. Therefore, I hold my point that under no circumstances should the
government provide free Internet access for the public.
First, for the users
of Internet, free of charge means declination of quality. So limited is the
total bandwidth of Internet access, that more computers and phones connected to
the Internet means slower speed for each individual user. Now, as Internet
could be available only after payment, those unwilling to spend money on the
Internet leaves fairly enough bandwidth for the registered users. However, were
Internet free of charge for citizens, almost everyone, whether with urgent or
irrelevant aims, would have connected to the Internet for 24 hours 7 days.
Then, without doubt, so many citizens watching online videos, downloading
large-scale softwares or chatting via video cam with more than 10 friends, the
Internet must be slower than those using a primitive 14.4k modem. So, for the
rights to access fast enough Internet, government should never make it free.
Second, for the
businesses providing Internet access, free Internet services will ruin their
future. As Internet become an essential part for people's life, many companies
working on offering fast, stable Internet access become strong business
tycoons. For instance, Vodafone, one of the largest Internet service provider,
has established 14 branches in different countries and recruited over 1.4
million employees. However, were free Internet service emerged, what would
probably happen to these fast-growing business? Internet users, finding ways to
download music or send voice mails without any charge, will soon abandon these
Internet business sending bills to them every month. Then, not only such
business would go bankruptcy, all the staff would thus become unemployed, which
could be a huge economic and social disaster for government.
In conclusion, both
considering the privileges for Internet users and the destiny of Internet
service providers, I strongly believe that government should never try to make
Internet access free.
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