2015-12-01 17:34
conducive to = favorable to |
adj. 有利于……的 |
exceptional = extraordinary |
adj. 杰出的 |
expand |
v. 扩张 |
evenly = equally |
adv. 均等地 |
hitherto = up till then |
adv. 直到那时 |
incentive = motivation |
n. 动机 |
investigate = study |
v. 调查研究 |
furthermore = in addition |
adv. 此外 |
generate = produce |
v. 产生 |
quest = search |
v. 寻找 |
trait = feature |
n. 特点 |
unique = one of a kind |
adj. 独一无二的 |
中国宋朝Song Dynasty
中国在公园2nd&3rd century经历了人口下降,在5th century rebound而且稳定在一个水平(不记得多少million),南方地方虽然贫穷,但是人口增长得比prosperous北方多。而且这个人口增长现状是历史上第一次得,因为这次人口增长没有伴随生活水平得的下降(有题问为什么这是历史第一次)。
宋朝发明了一种货币:flying cash(定currency),首先是让私营企业发放的,但后来政府设立了独立机构发放,句简:尽管这种货币使政府可以收税,但也导致了商人必须用cash做交易来支付证书税收的结果。
英国的繁荣是population, farm和industry的结果,人口增加导致对食物的需求增加,因此与西班牙形成强烈对比的是,英国人把沼泽地用作耕地(有题)
第一个儿子继承estate的制度,后面出生的孩子就要离开家到外地打工,为more commercially profitable,(有题conducive to = favorable to)landlord要争取更多的土地,而且后面farmland也变成了pastureland去生产woolen。
Woolen在一个Green Nether land的地方***,这个地方会dye这些woolen,一个叫G的人建议政府将贸易扩展到世界其他地方(这段有句插)。
植物有一种物质叫em**,这种东西会吸引ant和bird去吃然后帮植物disperse seeds,因为这种em富含营养:starch,sugar,vitamin等。通常ant吃完这种em**就很难吃里面的种子了,因为要么种子的外皮很硬要么就很smooth,蚂蚁的jaw很难piece。
介绍了一个地方的一种植物(v开头)与它其他地方的同类不同,因为这种植物的花是接近ground(有题),因此可以使ant更容易吃,从而更容易帮它传播种子,而且他的叶子长得比花高,更好exposure to the sun(有题)
这种植物在世界很多地方都有,但唯独Antarctica没有,介绍了3个科学家的发现,问为什么要提到这三个科学家:为了说明这种植物在世界很多地方多有;也有问后面两个科学家发现有什么共同点:一个在Australia的dry area看到了这种植物,另一个在South African的dry area看到,所以共同点就是在不同地方相似的habitat发现了这种植物。
这种植物在fertile soil和infertile soil的比较,有48%生长在infertile soil(有题),在infertile soil这种含em**植物比较多,有fleshy fruit的植物比较少(有题),这是因为infertile soil里的营养元素少,而产生fleshy fruit需要很多营养,所以不划算,em**同样可以吸引ant或bird来帮助他们传播种子。
解析:本文属于生物类文章,关注的是特定植物行为特征6从机经来看,本文结构较为分散, 先讨论植物本身的生理特征,然后讲解植物的分布,再讲解分布地区的生长环境,虽然生物本身一般是学员不太恐惧的内容,但是较为分散的结构会给最后的总结题带来一定困难,在阅读时学员需要对主旨句做额外关注,以提炼整篇文章的结构要点和行文思路。
对话1 学生服务场景
讲座1 社会科学
讲座2 自然科学
地球水的起源,因为地球刚开始形成的时候因为cohesion energy特别热,所以把自己的水蒸干了。有一个假说认为刚开始以因为彗星,彗星含水多,陨石都是金属或者石头;后面发现其实是一种叫asxxxxxxx的东西,意思就是既是陨石又是彗星的东东,并且根据这个研究陨石和彗星亲缘关系比我们想象的要近。后来有科学家反驳是他们认为地球形成的时候冷却很快,不至于把所有的水都蒸发掉。
对话2 办公室场景
讲座3 生命科学
讲的是海豚和鲸鱼等海洋哺乳动物如何在睡觉的时候呼吸,因为他们是意识呼吸的,所以必须保持清醒;然后它们呼吸的办法就是左右大脑交替呼吸,当一半大脑休息的时候另一半大脑保持清醒,查看是否有捕食者,另外也帮助控制呼吸,然后有个学生说老师我听说某个杂志引了一篇论文,说的是有一种梅豚可以一个月不睡觉,然后老师说媒体还是要学习一下,并没有确切证据说明这个说法。那个研究说的是说海豚妈妈帮助海豚宝宝呼吸,所以需要不停的把海豚抬到水面,这也有帮助海豚宝宝保持体温的作用,而且小孩需要不停地游泳来keep warm。
讲座4 艺术
一种艺术形式ephemeral art。教授说不是所有艺术都能放博物馆里展览哦,有些艺术作品没那么持久,比如雪啊花儿啊树叶啊做的艺术作品,你就不会在博物馆看到。然后一个学生说他在杂志上看到一个D的访谈,d就是搞这种艺术的,然后教授说这个作者没有完全理解d的艺术,他有2个局限,一是认为这种艺术很modern, 二是说这种艺术在某些情况下不是暂时的,是永恒的。然后开始举例子,说非洲一个部落的人很早之前就有个习俗,用树叶做衣服啥的,虽然每次跳壳舞就扔了,但这种习俗一直保留的,每次都用同一种树叶对他们来说是向祖先致敬,因此这种艺术可以视为永久的。
Task 1
Which one of the following qualities do you think a good school should have? Students who like to help each other, knowledgeable teachers or strict rules?
I think a good school should definitely have strict rules for the following reasons. My first reason is that strict rules can motivate all kinds of students to work harder because most of the times, students, especially teenagers need a little push in life. For example, when I was in high school, all students in my school were required to arrive at school at 7am to memorize English vocabulary. The school forced everyone to make wise use of the time before the first class of the day officially started. I hated it back then. But when I look back now, I realize that I couldn’t have possibly gotten such a good grade in English if my school didn’t push me. I probably would have spent my morning sleeping in or procrastinating if my school didn’t have such a strict rule. Plus, strict rules can teach students about discipline. Sometimes it’s not exactly about the rules themselves, it’s the concept of obeying the rules when asked to that matters.
Task 2
Which one do you think is more important? The process of doing something or the result at the end?
I personally believe the result at the end is important but not as important as the process of doing something. The process of doing something simply is the part that gives us all the fun and all the good memories. Take my second-grade assignment as an example, we were all asked to make a report about Thanksgiving. So I teamed up with my dad and little by little, we started this magnificent research of Thanksgiving. I remember I went online and searched for as much related information as possible, how the tradition of Thanksgiving started, how the pilgrims arrived to America and how they celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the native Americans. And my dad helped me make a list of the differences between American and Canadian Thanksgiving. We went to the supermarket together to take pictures of the ingredients people needed to make a traditional Thanksgiving meal. My dad even printed out the recipe of my grandma’s cranberry sauce for me to include in my report. I really can’t recall if I got a good grade that time, but I still remember all the fun I had with my dad and the funny pictures we took in the supermarket, until today I still keep that report because it reminds me of all the fun I had during the process of making it. Plus, through the process of doing something, there’s always something for us to learn, and there’s always something to inspire new ideas.
Task 3
The university is planning to provide three seminars for freshmen due to two reasons. The first reason is that this can prepare the freshmen for academic challenges and living independently. And the second reason is because the get-together after the seminar can offer a great platform for students to meet and get to know each other. In the conversation, the man agrees with the plan. His first reason is that students will be better prepared academically since unlike high school teachers, college professors don’t usually tell students what to do with their time, they expect students to manage their own time. A seminar like this can teach students what to do and help them plan ahead. As for the second reason, the man points out that this can also help students socially. Students get to hang out together, and they get to make new friends with people who have something in common with them.
Task 4
In the lecture, the professor introduces facial expression feedback which means our physical facial expression displays can directly impact our emotional feelings. He offers us an example to illustrate it. He gave two groups of students the same task, that is to solve some mathematical problems under different instructions. He asked the first group of students to keep smiling during the process and the second group of students to make frowning or unhappy faces while solving the problems. Later on, the first group of students claimed that they were happy while doing the math problems while the second group of students seemed to have much less fun.
Task 5
The woman’s problem is that she needs to do a vocal performance this afternoon and the professor will score it based on her performance, but she had a bad cold last week and she hasn’t fully recovered. There are two possible solutions. The first solution is to just go ahead and do it this afternoon. And the second solution is to reschedule the performance and do it next week. If I were in her shoes, I’d go for the second solution because as mentioned in the conversation, the professor has already told her it’s ok to do so, so she shouldn’t be worried. I personally don’t recommend the other solution, because even though she has practiced several times and her voice sounded ok, there’s still a big chance her performance might be affected by the cold and it may reflect on her score, it’s just not worth the risk. That’s why in this case, I think the second solution is a better option.
Task 6
In the lecture, the professor talks about two ways how oxygen in water is replenished. The first one is from internal oxygen sources. For example, plants underwater are great providers of oxygen. They’re constantly doing photosynthesis releasing oxygen to the water, that’s how animals underwater get their oxygen. Another way is through external oxygen sources. For instance, on a windy day, waves appear on the surface of the water when the air blows, and the waves can bring oxygen into the water too. Those are the two ways oxygen in water is replenished.
Inuktitut 语言没有人说的语言 |
1 调查说25%的16岁以下年轻人都不说这个语言了 |
1 这个survey不准确,通过face to face的调查很多人都说这个语言。年轻人不说这种语言是因为不讲传统,他们的爷爷奶奶还是讲这种语言的。 |
2 financial burden. 当地主要是渔业,渔业要卖给外国人,要用英语交流。 |
2 尽管很多国际的用英语,很多local的fishers都用I语。所以很多家长愿意让小孩两种都学。 |
3 Media的影响。很多媒体都是用英文。 |
3 如果只看radio和TV,的确是英文。但是如果看看social media,大家还是说使用着用语言的。 |
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: One quality that a successful leader must have is to make decision quickly; when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as ineffective to the people he lead.
Of all the skills that build a leader to great success, such as confidence, tenacity and keen insight, the ability to make wise decisions has always been regarded as an indispensable quality. While there are circumstances in which the excellence is determined by how quickly the leader makes decisions, I do believe that for most of times, taking time to make decisions will not be seen as ineffective since good judgments always required deliberation and full-scale evaluation.
Indeed, in few cases a successful leader must make decisions quickly in response to the ever- changing outside environment. Especially in the commercial industry, a top-notch leader ought to capture the most transient economic opportunities before its rivals in order to dominate the market. For instance, the social media in China was not well developed five years ago. My uncle, who was the CEO of a computer software company, keenly realized the great potentials of the development of social media and shifted the company’s focus to this area before any other competitors. As a result, the first SNS network, developed by his company, won tremendous success; his company now ranks top 10 in the nation.
However, the success of my uncle belongs to a few exceptions in commercial industry. For the majority of leaders, making decisions require careful weighting of the pros and cons; thus, it’s plausible that it takes time to make up one’s mind. Because most decisions have long-lasting and profound influence on the lives of others, making decisions quickly would consider hasty in most cases. At the end of the World War II, President Truman faced a dilemma – should the US drop the atomic bomb to force Japan to surrender? Being a successful leader, Truman did not settle on the issue rapidly; instead, he organized numerous meetings with his consultants, asked the opinions of allied countries, and considered both the advantages and the downsides of his decision back and forth for days. The dropping of the atomic bombs, though still controversial today, finally brought the bloody and destructive war to an end.
Furthermore, a considered leader should not jump to a conclusion to an issue because decisions oftentimes are accompanied with a heavy cost. If the decisions are made in a short period of time, they mostly lack deliberation and ignore the high expenses of such action. For example, the implement of social welfare has been a slow process in the United States History. During President Lyndon B. Johnson’s administration, it took him more than a year to finally carry out the Great Society, a government program conducted by the federal government to provide aids for housing, food and medical care for people struggle on the poverty line. The president realized the high cost of the social welfare and its pressure on the tax payers. Therefore, it took him a lot of time to weigh the true values of this program in comparison to its high price.
In brief, I do believe that despite few circumstances, a successful leader should take time to make final decisions and should not be considered ineffective for such deliberation, for careful judgments of the costs and effects are required
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