

2015-12-01 17:32





  第一篇是标题是 overkill of north American mammoth
  1.第一段讲一Clovis hunter占领了一块地方,同时这块地方的mammoth 大量消失。但是说mammoth 这么大,她们用长矛就杀害了么。然而这个说这是时间巧合还是人类杀害。人类可能为了进一步占领土地,需要补充能量吃这类动物东西填肚子。
  2.讲是不是climate change的原因,但是在人们到达这里之前,环境变化的影响已经存在了,但是对mammoth没有很大的影响。所以环境变化造成大量死亡的时间是不相符的。(此段有句子插入题)
  3.猜想就是人类杀害了大量mammoth.一个科学家用computer模拟了一个model,结果显示 in the right condition, 一小部分人可以在300年内造成mammoth大量死亡。
  5虽然模拟的试验是可以支持假设的。但缺乏大量的archaeology evidence。只发现了31mammoth site ,近些年都没发现新的。第一个模拟的科学家自己也承认evidence很少。然后文章就说how do we disprove it ?然后另外一个科学家就指出,New Zealand,的一种鸟有大量的archaeology evidence显示是人类造成的extinct.所以没有发现这些证据就说明 mammothextinct并不是人所造成的。


  目前已经发现很多fungi但是很多没有发现都没有记录就灭绝了。(此处有题有的选项是什么compare已知的新的灭绝更多?反正各种比较好像都不太对)然后说总的fungi的数量减少了平均每公里(大概是)的密度和种类也少了(此处有题)还讲了fungi灭绝对forest有不好的影响 fungitree在吸收mineral方面更好,所以可以帮助tree(此处有题)。还比较了fungi和其他aerial plants区别,fungi没有covering所以更容易灭亡好像是(恶劣环境下)fungi还可检测周围环境是否是toxic(好像是)大概是如果有fuel leak它们会死。还举了一个动物or植物B什么也能察觉泄漏。最后一段说了在美国,食用mushroomfungi之类的并不多,所以对于fungi的减少并没有太多记录,但是这并不能代表在美国fungi就没有减少。related the lichenlichendecline,由此推出fungi也在减少。


  centralized society
  开始讲了特点。什么人口high densityhigh productivity(此处有题)大概是控制local inhabitants,他们要pay tax。种地要pay tax(此处有一个NOT true的题应该选开辟new land)然后好像说啥storage facilities开始是因为high latitude太难种植,后来好像就for feast了(这里有题)后来管理他们开始分配给他们个人small land最后一两段还提了关于craft之类大概就是不同site人有不同擅长的举了例子一个什么buildingenclosed with walls,但是entrance不同由此看出是人的craftcompound(此处有题)还举了例子什么关于一个城市H的这篇看的特晕印象不深了。


对话1 办公室场景

  teacher preparation program,男生去问这个项目,前面和老师说其实当老师很不容易,老师表示赞同,说大家都觉得当老师很容身其实并不是,你要准备好你的portfolio,男生就问portfolio要什么样比较好,老师说我发现你在教music这方面很有优势,男生又问我能不能改之前我写的对教学的reflection,因为我现在想法不一样了。老师说不用改,最好这样能够体现你的成长过程,然后老师又问男生有没有什么计划observe other teacher’s class,最好还是要去看一看的,男生说有的,我计划下周就去的。

讲座1 生命科学

  讲的是animal behavior中的非继承制动物中如何选择leader。开始提到上节课说了一种就是成员固定的,leader固定的关系。然后讲到另一种,成员不固定,leader也不固定。然后是三个在迁徙过程中决定leader的因素,第一个因素和是否hungry相关,例子是斑马,不过有些母斑马除了为自己还有小孩,更需要食物,所以先移动。第二个因素是如果有多个比较饥饿的动物,选择最有经验,定位食物位置最准的,例子是海豚,有些海豚能够最快最准确,非常有效率的找到丰富的鱼群,这就会成为leaders。最后一个因素选择最bold的作为leader,但是动物的性格的研究会很困难。

讲座2 艺术

  讲的是Segal’s sculpture,一开始说比较传统的是什么水泥啊框架啊用于雕塑,Segal不一样,他用的塑料cover whole body,而且最重要的是面无表情,因为注重的是肢体的表达,另一方面他把雕塑是放在了比较真实的环境,作为真实的物体,教授说在Local museum中他的作品只能远观,这与Segal的本义是违背的,因为她希望的是作品和观众有个interaction。后来有个学生说她看过一个Segal的作品the custom party,那个雕塑是有颜色的,教授补充道说她会用颜色。比如用绿色在涂在雕像上形成比较明显的对比或者冲突。

对话2 学生服务场景

  campus housing,首先说这个housing管理处lobby,女生说她还很喜欢的,接待的说Miller hall也会用同样的local materials建设的。女生说真的吗?我就住在那附近,我今天来交一个job application的我想申请adviser, 申请这个职位的人多不多,觉得我又没有机会,接待的人说申请的人还是很多的,但是他们还是比较青睐有居住经验的。女生说我是第二年,接待的说还是有希望的,adviser比较会处理人际关系问题等等,女生说我也很擅长这个方面,我在申请书上还提到了我是怎么处理我两个室友的矛盾的,我让他们列了个schedule,最后女生说看起来我还是很有机会的。

讲座3 社会科学

  V manuscript,老师说有一种用作历史研究的资料就是原始资料,但是使用原始资料有很多的问题,举例V manuscript 由一个antique dealer发现的,记载了很多科技方面的东西,但是看不懂因为languagecode了,破译不了。还记录了很多无法辨析的植物,所以有人觉得这个是hoax,是后来的人fake的,于是对page and cover进行了检测,发现是1400年左右的。老师说虽然pagecover是那个时候的,内容可能是后面写的呀,但是无法对ink进行谈检验判定年代,因为ink很多不含organismmineral制成的。然后发现一个签名是Jacob de什么。他很喜欢旅游,如果是他的,那这个就是早于某年,后面发现有些记载在manuscript上面的植物是美洲的,那manuscript的支撑时间可能晚于哥伦布。

讲座4 自然科学

  水星内核是solid,一开始astronomer觉得是liquid,因为什么,后来messenger到了水星,传来的信息表明其实是Melton core, 因为磁场比较特别,有一个longitude vibration,就探寻原因,发现有硫磺,但是硫磺属于lighter element不应该出现在离太阳那么近的地方。


Task 1 

Your friend is going to a new school to study, what suggestion would you give him to help him blend in.
  If my friend is going to a new school to study.m, I'd have two suggestions for him. First of all, I'd suggest him to learn more about the school. For instance, he can try getting some information on the website of the school, like when it was founded, what kind of facility they offer to students, where everything is and what kind of courses are available for him to take, this will help him get familiar with the school in no time. My second suggestion for him would be to socialize. Go out there and make some new friends. Joining a club would be ideal since he would be surrounded with people who share the same interest with him and it would offer him a perfect platform to meet new interesting people. Building a social circle is definitely a priority when you're new to a place.

Task 2 

Do you think scientists should be required to study certain fields or to study whatever that interests them?
  I think scientists should be given the right to study whatever that interests them for the following reasons. Firstly, they would probably be much more efficient when they get to study the topics that truly interest them. Take myself as an example, I interned in the science lab in my university last summer and my supervisor allowed me to conduct experiments that I found interesting. So I spent everyday there from 8am to almost 9pm doing experiments, taking down results and analyzing them. I was actually able to come up with some pretty amazing analyses in the end of my internship and I believe I owe it to my supervisor. I probably wouldn't have had so much done if I was forced to study something I had absolutely no passion about. Plus, scientists themselves know more about science than anybody else, they probably have the best ideas about what to study to make a difference in the world.

Task 3

  The university is planning to make two changes to the summer course. The first change is to shorten the course from 8 weeks to 4 weeks. The second one is to reduce on-campus housing fee for students. In the lecture, the man thinks it's a great idea. He mentions in his first reason that a lot of students didn't want to take the course because they wanted to spend time with their family or go traveling. Now that the course is shorter they can enjoy their vacation while not missing out on the course. The man took the summer course and he had a whole week before the course started to enjoy his vacation. As for the second reason, he points out that this way students get to save some money which is definitely a good thing for those with a limited budget.

Task 4

  In the lecture, the professor talks about vertical migration which means sometimes marine animals move up and down the ocean to protect themselves from predators and look for food supply. He offers us an example to illustrate it. There's this kind of fish. They swim to the surface of the ocean at night to feed on a type of organism. They choose to swim to the surface of the ocean at this time of day because it's dark at night and it's almost impossible for the predators to locate them. But during the day, this kind of fish swim back to the bottom of the ocean to avoid predators. This means they have to travel between the bottom and the surface of the sea, but this way they get to survive.

Task 5

  The man's problem is that he accidentally left his guitar back home but he's got a concert in a couple of days he has to practice for. There are two possible solutions. The first one is to go back home and retrieve the guitar. And the second solution is to borrow his roommate's guitar. If I were in his shoes, I'd go for the second solution because I'm pretty sure his roommate would be glad to help him out, plus he still has some time to get familiar with his roommate's guitar. I personally don't recommend the other solution because it's way too far and it mean he has to use the time he's supposed to spend studying on the road. That's why in this case I think the second solution is a much better option.

Task 6

  In the lecture, the professor talks about two production costs that will affect the price of the products. The first one is delivery fee. For instance, if a car company has to delivery the cars to a location which is much closer to where the consumers are, that means they'll have to spend money on delivery, and that eventually will raise the price of the car. The second one is advertising fee. Companies need to spend money on publicity to make their products known to the public. For example, they advertise in magazine and on TV. And of course that costs money too. So it will increase the cost of production eventually as well.





9 ichthyosaurs 死亡的原因


1 不可能同时死有些骨头明显比较老师。

2 ich捕食猎物到了浅水,然后搁浅而死。

2 不会搁浅。根据sea floor,发现的地方在当年不是deep water

3 ich被某种喜欢猎杀动物尸体的生物杀死

3 不可能。因为9只动物的bones被有序的排列。而这种动物只会把动物骨头随便放。



  Do you agree or disagree that with the following statement? It's more important for the government to spend money to build art museums and music performance centers than to build recreational facilities (such as swimming pool and playgrounds).

  Art museums, concert halls and recreational facilities are indispensable to any civilized society. When it comes to the issue of the arrangement of a government's budget, some people suggest that the government should spend more of its funds on art museums and concert halls rather than on popular entertainment facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds. Although investing in recreational facilities is a positive thing, I believe that art museums and concert halls carry more weight.
  Admittedly, recreational facilities do need money. It is because sports enthusiasts usually outnumber lovers of art and music. For example, there are more basketball fans than piano players and basketball courts are always extremely crowded. Moreover, sports facilities represent a great expenditure of money and land. Usually, a standard outdoor basketball ground may cost the government around 10,000 dollars. However, the expense of recreational facilities can mainly rely on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and famous athletes. For instance, Yao Ming, the best-known Chinese player in the NBA, could donate part of his annual income to set up a new basketball stadium, which helps cut down the governments' budget on recreational facilities significantly. In this circumstance, the government should invest more in the establishment of arts and music halls.
  Appreciating arts and music can foster our children's interest in them. For instance, in art museums, children can observe masterpieces in person. This kind of amazing experience can never be replaced by simply watching TV at home or browsing web pages. Similarly, visiting concert halls, children can learn the names of the various musical instruments and familiarize themselves with the sound that these instruments produce. Then, the desire to play them will be followed and the interest in music takes shape. My younger brother XQ serves as a good example. I still remember that in July 2004, our family went to the city concert hall and for the first time in his life, he saw a band of professional musicians playing. He was deeply moved by the beautiful sound and decided to learn the piano. Now, he is an outstanding student in a school affiliated with the Central Conservatory of Music.
  Appreciating arts and music is a way to release stress from work and school. After working hard all day, citizens should be all to ready to accept the refreshing experience that a famous painting or a fascinating concert brings. After polling thousands of Beijing citizens, the survey, conducted by China Daily, found that 55% of the respondents aged between fifteen and forty-five chose going to museums and concert as one of the best ways to relax. This result coincides with the fact that the number of visitors to museums and concerts increase significantly during the holidays and winter and summer vacations.
  To sum up, despite the fact that spending money on recreational facilities enjoys a lot of support, the government could collect the fund for them through NGOs or other channels. Whereas, due to the irreplaceable influence on education and citizen's relaxation, art museums and concert halls deserve considerable investment.





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