新东方点题班口语预测超级小范围 (18套题)
2015-11-18 11:42
If you can have a part-time job at the university, what position would you choose; a lab assistant, a campus tour guide, or a library assistant? Why?
Talk about your favorite book when you were a child. Explain in details why you liked to read it.
Describe a memorable experience in a restaurant or cafe.
描述一个参加过的活动,你是否认为每个人都have a good time?
Imagine that you have to stop using cell phone for a month. Would that be difficult for you?
Your friend has been offered a job that's far away from his hometown. Do you think he should take it or not? Give specific reasons and details to support your response.
Describe a news article or a story that you are interested in recently. Explain why you think it was interesting. (Include reasons and details in your response.)
Which one will you learn: play a piano, swim, or repair a car?
Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free. Which of the following class will you choose to take? Give reason to explain your choice. 1) A financial course to help you manage money, 2) Car maintenance and repair, 3) Review of Latin-American music.
Students join different clubs in universities, such as science club, hiking club, etc. Which one are you interested in?
Describe one benefit of using the internet.
Talk about how cellphone has changed people's lives. Explain your answer in details.
Who should be paid more: a nurse, a teacher, or an officer?
If one of your friends is always late for events and appointments, can you give some suggestions and advice to help him not be late next time?
Describe an important decision that you have made.
Please choose one of the following modes of transportation that you consider the most enjoyable to ride: a bicycle, an automobile, or a train.
If your university plans to improve the life of students by one of the following methods, which do you prefer?
(1) build a new cafeteria
(2) build a new indoor swimming pool
(3) make improvements in dormitories
Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the most important class can't be taught in the classroom?
你是否会一直表达你的真实意见,即便你知道这个意见可能不被认同。key words: honest opinion.
it is always good to maintain honesty?
Some people think that businesses and industries need to be developed, even if the development of them affects the environment. Other people think that environment needs to be protected from the development of businesses and industries. What do you think?
Some people speak out in class. Others prefer to listen and quietly observe. Which do you think leads to greater success in school? Why?
Do you agree or disagree with the statement that process is more important than result.
Some students prefer to take a test where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to take a test with objective questions. Which type of exam question do you prefer? Give reasons and examples in your explanation.
Do you agree or disagree that teachers should encourage students to have discussions during class? Give specific reasons and details in your response.
Technology devices distance people far more now than before.lz 本来准备的是shorten,原以为题目也是shorten,最后发现是想法的,但是都已经表达了观点。所以就即兴发挥了。希望不要太差。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement and give reasons: Parents should not allow their children to participate any form of sports (football, basketball, ice hockey...) in order to protect their health from any form of injury.
Finding a place to live near campus. Option 1: a house to share with several other students; Option 2: an apartment to live alone.
Do you agree with the statement: it is easier for people today to lead a healthy life than it is for people of 100 years ago.
When traveling, do you prefer to stay at one place for a long time or spend less time and visit more places? Explain your answer in details.
Some universities expect students to choose their major when they first enroll. Others let students wait until the second or third year. Which do you think is better and why?
Do you like to go to the city or the countryside for vacation?
2.Which one you think is better: Some teachers want students to sit in the same seats throughout the whole semester. Other teachers think students can choose their own seats each time and sit in different seats. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
2.Some schools require music and art classes, while some don’t. What is your opinion?
Do you agree or disagree that in the future, people will read fewer books than they do today.
People are more likely to enjoy themselves at concerts or films if they go with a group of friends.
学校调整住宿政策,大一只和大一住,因为大一新生之间要多了解交流,并且学校提供不混住的宿舍会吸引到更多学生。对话中女生觉得这样很没必要,因为:1新生已经有很多机会相互了解了,比如活动什么的,而且他们很多课都一起上;2很多学生喜欢混住的宿舍,包括包括她就是被这种mixed type吸引的,因为前辈可以给他们经验和建议。
阅读:a letter about humanistic study lounge
听力:男的说真不错,这样就不用浪费时间了,不用跑多个地方去上课了,来去各10分钟, 课间30分钟,如果有了这个,就可以在一个地方不用跑了。另外,有的课很难,有助于学生们交流提供一个场所,比如Hamlet很难,找不到同学讨论,如果有lounge 就不一样了,可以在一起讨论解决。
The university should sponsor organized bus trips for 1st year students.
1. 1st year students generally don't have a car.
2. Seniors are more familiar with the city.
The woman thinks it is a good idea. First, the city is far from campus and no public transportation is available. Second, because there is no bus, she hasn’t figured out the time and place for the music concerts.
Reading: Proposal of selling snack and drinks in the campus bookstore.
1. It provides students with food and drinks when they are finding books to read.
2. Students may get hungry during class breaks.
Listening: Disapproval
1. Students may spill drinks on books and ruin them. Some of the books are expensive.
2. There is already a convenience store in campus close to the building where classes are held. Students are unlikely to go to the other side of campus to buy food from the bookstore.
The university will prohibit students riding bicycles on campus next semester.
1. There were some minor accidents. The university will reduce the rate of accidents caused by riding bicycles.
2. Students can take the free campus buses without any negative effects.
The girl disagrees. 【Reasons】
1. The accidents took place at night because of low visibility.
2. Free buses are inconvenient. Buses are only available once an hour and waiting for the bus is a waste of time.
女生觉得 不好, 1)报社人员也是学生,不一定给出什么好建议。
2)即使好建议, 也不利于学生的长远发展, 还是培养独立意识比较好。
Letter: 学校应该让大家在注册了课程之后立马能够拿到课程的书单,这样能够有两个好处。第一,给学生足够的时间去找到价格低廉的教科书。第二,给学生足够的时间开始为这门课做准备。
To make the book list available to students immediately after the registration
1) Give students time to search for cheap textbooks
2) Let them have time start preparing for the course
Conversation: 男生完全同意信的内容
图书馆规定加一个人proposal against the library’s regulations that students shouldn’t use cell phones in the library and that cell phones must be turned off before entering the library.
Two reasons: 1. Students are considerate enough to keep their voices low when answering calls, just like they do when talking to other people in the library. 2. They occasionally have important calls, so they need to keep the cell phone turned on so as not to miss them.
一个男生和女生讨论,女生的观点是这个proposal很挫,因为:1. If students answer calls, they have to whisper, but the other side听不清楚,so they have to raise their voices up, thus distracting other students; 2. 如果他们有重要的电话,可以check outside the library from time to time. (再次重复一遍这个意思)
校园里建museum. 男生不同意。一是downtown有周末还免费 二是都建图书馆和学生中心,没钱建博物馆。
一个女生和一个男生对话,女生说a few students’ art works were chosen 在一个art exhibit上展出;男生sounds great, so you are one of them;女生说是的,但是问题来了,她的那幅画太大,is a 3-meter canvas,会超出展览方给的limited exhibiting space.男生说真的吗?女生说,对的,他们不愿意给我更大的space, because that will be unfair for other students. 接着说,但我可以把我的一副older painting拿去展出(one suggestion),which is smaller.男生说可以啊;女生说,但是那幅画是我以前画的,而我的technique has improved a lot since then,所以那幅画不能体现我的真实水平;男生说,那要不你draw a new one by the next week(第二个suggestion);女生说其实也可以,但是我最近很busy,有a couple of exams coming.
A letter from a student to campus newspaper: Graduation speakers should be business leaders:
1. Business leaders are excellent role models. They are successful and influentialand earn top wages
2. Inviting business leaders to speak will benefit the school’s largest and best business program. 因此更多人会知道。By Ryan Brown
Listening: 男生说你看到ryan给学校写的那封信了吗?女孩说看到了,我觉得其实这样不好,因为people from other professions can also be successful and influential;男生说意思是要增加variety吗?女生说对,比如可以邀请teachers,很多teacher也会对学生产生深远的影响;男生问,那他说的可以benefit我们学校的business program这一点呢?女生说:其实这个business program is successful and famous enough, so it doesn’t deserve extra free advertising. 相反,如果邀请教师,会对我们学校的education program产生良好影响
Library will only offer online reference materials.
Reading: The library decides to no longer keep paper copies because it is running out of shelf space.
Conversation: 男表示都在线查资料太棒了。因为男在图书馆工作,深有体会。书记资料太多,整理很麻烦,学生检索起来也不是很方便。女表示没有意识到会有这么大的问题。男的反问女的你上次什么时候去的图书馆查资料还记得吗,表明去图书馆查阅纸质资料的人其实也不是很多。女的同意,表示反正宿舍也有电脑,查阅起来也很方便。
QUESTION: Please state his opinion and explain his reason for holding his ideas.
Reading part: Nowadays university news stations hire students from different majors to write articles for the newspaper. In the future, the news station should only hire journalism students to write. This way they can retain the students who are really interested in news and can have more articles completed.
Listening part: Disagree
1) Students in other major may also be interested in writing the news. The university should also encourage those students to write for newspaper. Take himself for example. He now majors in history but wants to enter news industry in the future.
2) Extra articles don’t help. There’s no point in having too many articles coming in, because the station may not have the time or resource to deal with them all. The process of preparing an article is complicated, and includes the efforts of both the editors and writers. The writers write and turn their article in for review to the editors, who then return the writing back to the writers for edits. Before publishing, the article is sent to the editors again for final editing.
学生写信,学校咖啡厅提供beverages and cookies很好,但建议增加两项:
more light music
The woman agrees with the proposal,具体两点进行支持:
the cookies don't really help much when she's hungry,所以的确要有一些其他吃的
the music there is too noisy now, she has to go back to her dorm to read instead of reading there
listening: 一男一女讨论,女的赞成,因为1)有收入可以用来提sheng或更新那些设备 2)男的担心人多拥挤需要等位。。。女的explain说学校在一个small town 不是 big city, 所以人也不会太多。不会crowding.
版本1 :文章讲了generalizing。 Early childhood小朋友的学了一个词以后就会觉得那个词是特指某件物品(single, specific object),直到他们长大一点后学会了generalizing, 才会知道知道一个词是代表一类物品(similar general objects)。
Professor用的是他儿子的例子,儿子小时候玩儿Toy train,他就告诉儿子那叫“train”。有一天带儿子去坐火车,看到轨道上的火车,他告诉儿子这是train,儿子就很upset。不过一年以后,儿子稍微大一点了,就知道 real train和toy train都是train了。
advanced crediting 这一概念:老师在学生没有完成某任务之前就鼓励学生们说他们会做这个可以帮助学生最后完成这个任务。
听力材料里professor讲述了advanced crediting的一个例子,总是鼓励一开始乱仍糖纸的小孩子是讲卫生,爱干净的孩子,他们到最后就会变得不乱丢糖纸了。
Term: Impact Bias
Definition: people have inaccurate expectations of the impact that certain events will have on them: both the event’s intensity and how long it would last.
The professor’s daughter wanted to apply to this university because her best friends were applying and because of the university’s great educational program. She thought her life would be ruined if she didn’t get it. It turned out that she wasn’t accepted. While she got very upset about it, she was busy taking care of her high school graduation and planning her summer vacation. Pretty soon she forgot about her misfortune of being rejected by the school and moved on with her life.
commitment device
The professor wanted to run a 10-kilometer race and planned to get up very early in the morning. But he often went back to sleep after getting up. Then he had a friend who ran with him together so that he was able to have an early run every morning.
阅读讲Nomadic phase指动物的迁徙,主要因为一些生活危机,例如食物枯竭或其他灾难。听力举例蚁群居住在地下,但当新蚁出生后他们就会迁徙,以满足对新生蚂蚁的食物源头。
Reading: Compound Nesting (biology) two species that are different enough so as not to compete for food when living together.
Listening: Example of ants in Africa. The bigger ants collect food while the smaller ones eat the scraps. For the smaller ant, it doesn't need to search for food. For the bigger ant, the smaller one keeps the nest clean by eating the leftover food and prevents bacteria from growing.
版本一:说的是animal coloration,说是动物会具有一种独特的颜色,这种颜色会警告它的捕食者,如果被侵犯,它就会攻击,吃过苦头的攻击者下次见到这种颜色的动物就会避而远之。教授说了一个例子,skunk臭 鼬是一种全身黑的动物,只有一缕白毛从头部延伸到尾巴,它被攻击时会竖起毛,尾巴上的腺体喷出十分难闻的气体。比如说一只狼接近它,它就会把这种难闻的液 体喷狼一身,由于这种液体十分的恶心难闻,狼就记住了这种动物的颜色特征,下次这只狼再看到全身黑,背上有从头到尾巴的白毛的动物就会远远的避开。
Test costumers are people who are hired by employers to evaluate the employees’ performance during work. They pretend to be normal customers. 【Examples】
A restaurant manager wanted to observe how well the waitresses and waiters did. She watched in person, but the employees who knew they were observed behaved better than usual. So she hired a man who pretended to be a normal customer in the restaurant. The man asked the employees questions and provided the manager with feedback about employees’ behavior, such as whether they were friendly and polite.
Behavior scaling, 动物总会根据不同环境展现出不同行为。T 动物,baby T,有的生长在食物丰富的地方-----not social,alone
食物不足的地方-----social and work
教授给儿子买积木儿子第一次玩stack a tower积木fell down he call his father for help.儿子play the blocks every day and every time his blocks fall down he'll call his father. The professor 故意stay longer day by day than before...儿子在等他爸的时间里学会自己搭积
4.讲的是procedural memory
文章:procedural记忆和普通的记忆不一样(比如记住名字啥的),它是一种时间中根据步骤step by step而记下来的。是能够自动automatically执行的记忆(act automatically if frequently practiced)。
讲座:男教授用自己学和弹吉他的经验来说明这个procedural memory
他开始学吉他的时候,从如何hold住琴,如何place fingers开始到练习弹奏歌曲。每次回去之后都会练习很久,一段时间之后,他可以拿起琴就知道如何放手指,轻松的弹奏歌曲。但是有段时间有事儿,没有空练习(貌似是好几年)。当他再有机会拿起琴的时候,他以为自己忘了如何弹奏。可是当他拿起琴之后,他就知道怎样放手指,并且弹奏歌曲了。
Convergent evolution: two different locations that pose similar challenges, allowing unrelated species to develop similar physical features.
Lecture: Aardvark in Africa and echidna in Australia. They eat the same insects as their main food. The insects’ nest are of hard crust, so predator很难吃到这种昆虫,因此these two animals have the same long, sticky tongue in order to capture the insects.在昆虫的巢穴上凿洞,把舌头伸进去吃……
Professor evaluation
这个student写了个letter给校方希望能改变professor evaluation,which is carried out at the end of every class,的方式。之前的evaluate之后都是教授自己看,不具有公开性;所以学生propose to put the evaluations online. 有两个好处:1. Professors will get more motivated to improve his teaching skills if he knows that the evaluations will go public. 2. 学生也可以通过这些评估做出more informed decision as to which course to take.
男生女生对话,男生说,哎挺好的啊。女生说,我觉得一点都不好。教授肯定feel not happy about his course being publicly criticized,他不会take it seriously 而这些evaluation也不会influence他的Teaching skill。男生说,但至少学生们表达的自己的观点啊。女生说:这就是问题所在。The evaluations are usually 在the end of the last class举行,很多学生都in a hurry to leave,所以不会take the evaluation seriously ,也不会提一些specific的建议。
女孩说summer is coming,你都准备好了干什么啊?男生说准备去professor的lab里面做一个chemistry research internship,女生说seems that you are all set。男生说其实没有,还有很多问题。我的这个internship is unpaid, but I need to earn money.女生说我听说campus book store在招人,你可以work in the lab during weekdays and go to the book store at weekends.男生说then I cannot relax much.女生说倒也是,或者你可以ask your professor to see whether you can share then internship with others.你就可以在没有工作的那几天出去赚钱。男生说,对的,我听说以前也出现过几个人share这个position的情况,the professor was fine with it. 女生赞同,男生说但是那样我就不能learn as much as I can if I do it for full-time. I cannot follow up with the experiments and results.
vertical migration
Reading: we usually associate migration with birds. But other species do migration too. 目的:warm climate and more favorable condition for reproduction.
Lecture: squid. 每天晚上它会在水的表面找东西和活动,会一直到天明。但是白天的时候会回到水的下面,因为上层不安全,阳光容易使得squid很容易捕猎者发现,所以它需要刀深水来躲避。
QUESTION: Use details from the reading and lectures to explain vertical migration and how it benefits the squid.
Reading part: Nectar Corridor
Nectar corridor is a distinctive type of migratory corridor comprised of a series of stepping stones placed in a dissimilar matrix. Some of the migratory species time their migration to match the flowering and fruiting of various food plants. The flowering plants serve as nectar trials to fuel their flights. In the process of moving from one plant to another, these species not only feed, but also help with pollination.
Listening part: A species called Rufous Hummingbird follows the nectar corridor. They migrate each fall to southern Mexico, feeding off flowering plants on their way. In the Spring, they again follow the nectar trail as they return to Northern California, Washington and the Rocky Mountains, and well into southern Alaska. This small bird plays an important role in plant reproduction by moving pollen from plant to plant on its winter grounds, breeding grounds, and any area over which it migrates. From Alaska to Mexico and throughout the western US, the Rufous Hummingbird drinks nectar and pollinates flowers year-round throughout the habitat that it visits annually.
How does the example in the listening part explain the concept of priority effects?
文章:一个proposal, 建议学校拿出一部分activity budget给学生参加 academic conferences.
男生:觉得这个建议不好,有两点原因:1) 活动经费应该就给那些原来intended for的活动,比如cultural activities, extracurricular activities, for example, concerts. 2) 学校其他的academic departments 已经有给学生参加学术会议的经费预算,学生只要申请,教授会决定是否给钱让学生去开会。
要求:summarize proposal, 然后说男生的评价
学生把车钥匙留在车里了,书也锁在里面了,没书就没办法上课,两个建议:一,找一个locksmith来开锁,但这样很贵;二,向她父母要extra key,但要一两天时间才能送来。
问题:推销服务质量,还有一个叫TESTMONIA(音)professor的朋友想做paint work,但是没有生意,
Problem: the man is invited to go to a conference in NYC with the professor he’s been working with. Only the hotel will be covered, and he will have to pay for transportation himself.
Solution 1: He can buy a plane ticket and fly to NYC.
Pro: He will have an opportunity to meet people, learn something, and get more time to be prepared for presentation
Con: It’s expensive
Solution 2: Take the train to NYC
Pro: Save some money
Con: The train ride takes a whole day and he will miss an important class.
女生要展出的画忘在家里了,但今天晚上就要展出,且她的朋友要来看,所以想今晚取来,但是今晚她又要review physical test, 没时间。第二个解决方案是可以让她妈妈送来,但是妈妈明天才有空送来,今晚她的朋友就要来看。
The woman plans to go home during the Winter Break. However, the ticket is expensive and she hasn't bought one.
Two solutions: 1. Take the bus. It’s cheap, but 8-hour trip is a pain. 2. Take the 3 AM flight. This interrupts her parents' sleep and makes it inconvenient for them to pick her up.
The girl is on her way to buy groceries for the party tonight. She suddenly remembers that there will be a chemistry review session in 10 minutes. Option 1: Go to the session but feel bad because she has promised her roommates that they are going to cook. Option 2: Leave early from the session to go buy groceries. But there's a quiz next week and she is worried that she won't pass.
The girl attended the rehearsal of a school play. The rehearsal is time consuming. She is too busy to take many classes and is not doing well in her studies. She does not know what to do.
1. Drop out of play and focus on studying.
Con: Her major is theater. Attending rehearsal helps her progress. If she quits, it may cause trouble for her professor to find someone to replace her and result in the professor becoming angry with her.
2. Decrease the number of classes and take them next semester.
Con: She has taken the course for 3 weeks and has already put in so much work in that class. It is a required course. If she drops the class this semester, she will have to take it again next semester.
女生室友忘带冬季外套让她开车到机场送, 她去, 时间太长;不去又不好, 况且她室友最近帮了她的忙。
方法一:跟图书管理员report.但是害怕被状告人的mad,或者in trouble
5. Conversation
对话中的女生遇到了困难。她说自己明年毕业,有一个强制的外语要学习才能毕业。但她之后一学期会非常忙,所以在暑假,她选了自己喜欢的Russian online course。可是注册的人不够,被cancelled了。
5.一个男生和女生讨论spring break,男生要去蒙特利尔Montréal,但是不能afford train ticket.他给女生说但我有两个option: 1. To work extra horse in the next week, maybe another 10 hours to earn enough money,然后女生说哎呀很tough,因为很多exams are coming. 2. To sell his guitar.他两年前买了吉他但一直都没有弹,而且是个很nice 的吉他。那个女生说,是还可以,但是there’s no guitar any more…
Reactance: 人们都很重视自己的freedom。 因此当自己的行为被limited and自由受限by some rules and regulations时,人们尝试去逃脱这种限制。很多adults and children’s behavior are results of the urge to 重获 freedom. “Reactance” indicates people’s desire to reestablish freedom and break away from(具体的词组不是break away from,但意思一致) the control.
两个例子可以验证reactance的现象:1. Imagine a child, who used to play very happily on the playground, having a lot of fun, 但是突然有一天his parents don’t allow him to play on that playground again。小孩会感到很upset,于是他会sneak to the playground and play despite his parents’ rule. 2. A town recently ban on a kind of soap because it’s harmful to the environment. 但是这个ban 并没有降低the soap’s ability to clean things.因此人们会感到很upset,”why can’t I choose any type of soaps that I want?”因此人们会attempt to buy a large number of this kind of soaps, a lot more than they used to do, 尽管town会限制他们做这件事。
Impression management:
Reading: We often control or manage their impression unconsciously in order to convey information to influence how other people perceive us. 这种impression既可以是外表也可以是自己的行为。
Listening: 1.When a student wants to do a presentation, you would see him more formally dressed. Even before he starts, you can feel that he is taking the presentation very seriously and is very responsible. 2. 教授举了个自己的例子,校长第二天想take这个professor的 ride to school. Right before the day when I agreed to take the ride, I took the trash out of the back of my car and even had my car washed. And when the president got in my car, I changed my radio to classical music, even though I don’t like this type of music.
conversation: 女生向男生诉苦
女的ankle 在soccer时候break了。不能开车,但是女的还得在高中和其他地方教书。男的问那可怎么办。女的说可以打车啊,但是女的最近没那么多现钱。男的问就没人接你吗。女的说有啊,我的朋友,但是我不想麻烦她,况且我教课的一个小时我的朋友还得在那里等着我啊,她说她可以去咖啡馆学习,但是还是不太妥当。男的回答到:哎呀,她是你的朋友嘛,朋友不就是应该互相帮忙吗,而且是你朋友主动提出来的。
Question:explain what happened and state which solution you recommend and explain why.
一个女生生病了,不想外出,但是她是youth center的volunteer,应该带一帮小孩子去zoo看动物。两种解决办法,方法一是reschedule去动物园的时间,但这是一个special exhibit of 一种老虎,孩子们会很喜欢,而且是最后一天,不去很可惜。方法二是让另外一个志愿者Megan代孩子们去,但是Megan自己要复习物理课内容参加考试,女生觉得让朋友做出这种牺牲自己过意不去。
publicity 相对 advertising 的优点,一是更便宜,比如游戏厂商在电脑杂志上发表文章比广告便宜,二是可信度更高,电脑杂志如果描述一下那个电脑游戏,购买者更容易接受,相对于广告
biological monitor(这个我当时有点蒙圈,说到一半才突然弄明白了TAT)
用来check health of environment
讲如何推断出ancient climates。教授说可以研究化石,因为气候会对形成化石的微生物产生影响。举例,某种有硬壳的shellfish,壳里的镁含量和sea water temperature有关,温度高的时候镁的含量就高。所以就可以通过对比这种矿物质在化石和现在那个地方的shellfish壳里的含量,然后就知道气候变暖了还是变冷了。
版本1 这个lecture讲了动物储存食物 (hoarding)的两种不同方式
1)all food in one location,但是这就要求动物必须能够守住这些食物,用physical prevention 来 defense. 比如Squirrel, 他们会把所有食物都藏带一个地方,但是如果有 birds或者其他都无来抢的时候他们就会把这些掠食者赶走, drive them away
2)disperse, divide up food and save in different locations, 但是这要求动物必须记性特别好(good memory)记的食物都放在那些地方了.比如 Rat in desert, 它们把食物藏在hundreds of locations,但是他们记性好,都记得这些locations在哪里
版本2 :心理学——generalizing
阅读部分: 在学习语言的过程中,儿童很容易把一个词的意思理解为仅仅是用来表示一个特定的物体(one specific object),随着年龄的增长,儿童能逐渐理解一个单词不仅能用来描述一件物品,而是可以用来表示某一类物品。这种现象叫做归纳(generalizing)。
听力部分:教授的儿子三岁时,他有一个玩具火车,爸爸妈妈就教给儿子这个东西叫做“train”。有一天爸妈带着儿子出去玩,途径火车站,爸爸就指着火车说这是“train”,当时儿子就显得非常不理解(upset and confused)。而到儿子四岁时,他就能够正确使用“train”这个词了,并且能明白这个词不仅仅能够表示他的玩具火车,还能用来表示火车站里真正的火车。
The professor talks about what animals that don’t live underwater do to stay underwater. The first way is to reduce movement in order to save oxygen. For example, an alligator hunts underwater by staying very still, with basically no movement. In doing so, it can cut down its heart rate and reduce the need for more oxygen. The second way is to minimize the time spent underwater. For example, a brown pelican dives down to catch fish in the water. It doesn’t go deep and it has air sacks that open in the water. That will help the pelican get back to the surface as fast as possible for oxygen.
The professor talks about two types of suspense in a movie.
The first type is when the audience tries to guess the ending. For example, two heroes set the same goal, but the audience has no idea who will come out first.
The second type is that the audience knows the ending but has no clue about the process of getting there. For example, in a love story, the hero and heroine will undoubtedly meet in the end, but how they meet each other becomes the intrigue.
In the lecture, the professor talks about two cues consumers use to judge the qualities of products. The first is the intrinsic cue, where the customers judge the products’ quality by their physical characteristics, such as color, texture, and size. For example, customers will think a food possesses good qualities if it tastes good. The opposite is the extrinsic cue, where the customers don’t judge a product’s quality by its physical characteristics. For example, if a juice is placed inside a good looking glass bottle and has a good label, consumers will think it has good qualities. Here the product is evaluated by the external packaging but not by the taste of the juice itself.
There are two ways whales use sounds to survive in the deep ocean. The first is navigation. Whales detect the refection from objects in order to get a sense of the right direction. The second is feeding. Since whales travel in groups, they can call on other whales to see if they found any fish.
How do consumers reduce risks when purchasing?
(1) Perform a thorough research. Eg. If you want to buy a computer, you can search online to see which manufacturer is better and read the reviews of other buyers.
(2) Stay loyal to one brand or company. Eg. If you have bought a car that functioned well and lasted a long time, you may want to stay with this brand next time.
版本一:为什么有的事情会记得比别的事情清楚。两个原因,第一是如果你对这个事情预先有所了解,你就会记得比其他事情清楚,事后也更容易回忆起来。比如你 去参加一个古典音乐会,如果你对古典音乐有比较多的了解,一年后让你回忆这个音乐会,你就很容易记起很多它的细节,相反你可能什么也想不起来。第二个原因 是某些事物可能和其他的事物有比较大的区别,这些不同的事物更容易被记住,比如你去上大学里的一节大课,一年后让你回忆,你可能记起来的是那个个子非常高 的男生,或是非常聪明的一个女孩。
Film makers can choose two angles of camera to build up the characters’ image.
1: Low angles give the effect of children looking up to adults. It makes a character look really huge and powerful. For example, using low angles to make Queen Victoria look more prestigious.
2: High angle puts the character within a bigger environment and makes the character look small and weak.
For example, shooting a man lost in a vast desert from high angle makes the character look hopeless and weak.
口语六:老师总希望得到feedback, feedback DE characters 1 focus on students 2. focus on 其他
用dinner为例子阐述两种theater对观众的不同。在theater里,一种是player表现的观众不存在,比如在吃饭,那就认认真真在吃饭,和下面没交流。一种是style是player意识到观众的存在,还是比如吃饭,player可能问下面观众food smell good? 甚至invite audience to join them…"
6.关于living in group的不足
1)Visible to predators and easy to be captured. 单独的时候就不会这样。比如沙丁鱼,当他们一直单独行动的时候,就不容易被发现然后被吃。但是当他们成群的出现,就会有鲨鱼捕食他们。
2)Carrying the young. 很多生活在一起,不容易找到自己的小孩。比如成百上千的bats蝙蝠生活在洞里,当他们出去捕猎回来想给自己的小孩喂食的时候,找不到。可能给别的小孩喂食,而自己的却没被喂到。
6.Why companies will change their product packaging.
1.In response to technology. 技术发展会有new material出现,举了牛奶的例子,牛奶以前是装在glass bottle卖,后来技术发展,出现了塑料,于是牛奶现在装载plastic box里面卖。
2.为了更好与其他公司竞争。比如会改变包装的size。又是牛奶,其他公司已经改变了自己juice啊软饮料啊的包装,变成portable size,让人民可以再车里啊路上喝,于是牛奶也变了,由以前的large bottle变为现在这样。
6,animal foraging.
以前early human beings是去hunt wild animal for meat,但是大概10000年前开始驯化(domesticate)control animals. The domestication of animals有很多benefits,下面我们来说一下:1. The domestication of animals will provide consistent and reliable source of meat. Early people去打猎,有时打得到,但often打不到猎,而把animal养在身边可以随时随地有吃的,举了goat山羊的例子,山羊是最早被驯化的动物。Goats can be easily controlled and can be organized by the heard and move with the people。因此这个source非常reliable。2. The domestication of animals will supply a variety of food other than meat. 又举了山羊的例子,goats produce milk. People can collect milk and drink. Also people can process milk and make it into yoghurt and cheese.
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