2015-11-18 09:05
endure=with stand
考生回忆:主要讨论的是地球与宇宙年份的测定。先说地球年份的测算。一开始说可以通过陨石的年份来推测。但是因为地球上面有水、火山和地壳运动,所以岩石的成分无法分析。进一步的分析方法是岩石的辐射衰变。得出来的结论是46亿年,这个测算的结果和月球上测算的结果是一样的。因为月球上没有地球上的这些侵蚀,所以月球的测算数据相对准确。接下来是宇宙年份的测算。宇宙的年份重要是通过红移(red shift)来测量。测算的结果发现宇宙一直在不断地膨胀。
解析:本文讨论了恐龙灭绝的原因。“现象—成因”讨论的文章在TP0中多次出现。同学们在阅读此类文章的时候,要注意分清每个段落中不同信息之间的相互关系。通常段落主旨出现在段首,而后面的内容都是对主旨的展开。建议对关话题感兴趣的同学,可以阅读TP08的The Extinction of Dinosaurs.
Task 1
Which one of the following do you think the university should reward? Volunteer service, athletic achievement or academic performance?
I think the university should reward students with outstanding academic performance. First of all, if s a positive message to send out to all university students. Take my best friend in college as an example, he spent the majority of his spare time studying. He went to seminars in other universities to get extra credit, he did research projects during summer vacation, and he had a GPA of 3.9 throughout college. As a reward, the university cut back his tuition fee and granted him a 5000-yuan scholarship every semester. And his story inspired a lot of other students too. They all feel more motivated to study because of the reward now. So reward from university can encourage students to work harder. Plus, students get to use the reward to help them further their education. My roommate uses her scholarship to buy extra textbooks to help her study and to pay for the application fee of her master' s program. So reward from the university can also offer students financial help when they pursue higher education.
Task 2
Which courses do you think schools should offer to students? Language courses or computer courses?
I think schools should offer language courses to students due to two reasons. First of all, students with sufficient language skills can havemore opportunities to broaden their horizon. Take myself as an example, I started learning English when I was 6 years old, since then, I was able to read books written by British and American authors and watched TV programs in English. I remember my favorite series of books was written by Doctor Seuss, The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs And Ham, these books influenced my childhood a lot And I couldn't t possibly read them if I didn't speak English. Plus, being able to speak a foreign language gives students a platform to make new friends. I went to the US as an exchange student last semester, and because I was able to speak fluent English, I blended in right away and I made a lot of local friends. Being able to speak English makes it possible for me to enlarge my social circle.
Task 3
The university is planning to have a contest among dorms. They’re going to monitor the power use of dorms and the dorm that uses the least amount of electricity wins. The woman agrees with the plan. In the first reason, she thinks this can remind all students of saving power and living an eco-friendly life, like turning off the lights when leaving the room. As for the second reason, the woman points out that even if not everyone will take this contest seriously, most of people will still enjoy it, and with the award, they can go for a delicious meal. So this whole plan will work and encourage people to save energy.
Task 4
In the lecture, the professor talks about the concept of restrain bias which means sometimes people overestimate their ability to resist temptation. He offers us an example of his daughter. She’s kind of a shopaholic and spends pretty much every penny of hers on buying clothes. Once she wanted to go on a trip with her friends so she made up her mind to save up for it. She was confident at first and said she could definitely control herself and she even started doing some part-time jobs to save money. But then her friends asked her to go shopping, she said she wouldn’t buy anything in the beginning and she would only window shop, however in the end she couldn’t resist the temptation and ended up spending all her savings.
Task 5
The woman’s problem is that she needs to write a 20-page paper but she needs to move out of her dorm soon, so she doesn’t have a place to finish her paper. There are two possible solutions. The first one is to move in with her parents. And the second solution is to rent an apartment off campus. IfI were in her shoes, I would go for the first solution because I’m sure her parents would love to have her, and they would do everything they could to make sure she has a quiet environment to study. I personally don’t recommend the other solution because it’s 400 dollars for two weeks, that’s way too much money for a student, it’s not wise to spend this amount of money on housing when she could easily live with her parents for free.
Task 6
In the lecture, the professor talks about two ways that animals use ultraviolet light to survive. In the first example, the professor introduces pigeons. Pigeons use ultraviolet light to determine the position of the sun and locate themselves. They can even fly in the rain with this technique. The second example is about honey bees, flowers can reflect ultraviolet light, honey bees can locate the nectar of flowers based on that. That’s how the professor uses the two examples to illustrate the role ultraviolet light plays in animals’ survival.
Topic议题 |
蝙蝠因为一种fungus病菌最后饿死了,容易导致灭绝 |
Reading |
Listening |
Thesis总论点 |
三种解决方案 |
反驳三种方案 |
Sub-point 1 分论点1 |
人不许进入蝙蝠洞穴,因为fungus可以通过人的衣服和鞋带进洞里 |
Fungus是由蝙蝠传播的,而不是通过人传播的,无人到达的洞里也有fungus |
分论点2 |
研究欧洲可以抵抗fungus的蝙蝠 |
欧洲这种蝙蝠是通过好多年形成了适应力,研究会花几十年的时间研究并应用,但是十年内蝙蝠就会灭绝 |
Sub-point3 分论点3 |
提高洞里温度,杀死fungus |
提高温度会使得蝙蝠以为是夏天来了,他们就不睡觉了,但找不到食物,他们又饿死了 |
独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the statement: the more money people have, the more money they should give away to charity.
Someone says that money is what makes the world go round. Whether people who have more money ought to give more to charity has become a heated topic. In my opinion, it is not a responsibility for the rich to donate their wealth.
In the first place, they should spend money on art. Creating a moral code that compels the rich to pour their money down the bottomless rat-hole of charitable causes will diminish investment in culture, the lasting legacy of any civilization. Take Bill and Melinda Posterns along with their friend Warren Pummel for example, they are reputedly the most three “generous” philanthropists in the world. 40 billion dollar endowment of their foundation is a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed to alleviate hunger, malaria, AIDS, and malnutrition. If they had spent their money on art, they could have bought 40 museums with better collections than the Detroit Institute of Arts.
Second, money should be spent on elite educations for children. Money spent on industries that will stimulate social potential for eliminate poverty will do more contribution than merely give money to the poor. For instance, if a man can spend a million dollars on sending his two children to engineering school or a million dollars on digging wells for people with no drinking water, he should spend it on his children who might someday invent a way to dig wells for half the cost. Besides, better education cultivates more talents equipped with better social morality and come up with better solution for charity.
Finally, there is no relationship between rich and donation. That is to say, it is not a duty for the rich to spend their money on charity. If donation become a must or something related to rich, there will be less rich people in the believe that more money equals to no money, for it will be donated someday. Plus, charity is a kind of individual behavior that has nothing to do with other aspects such as wealth or social status. Once there is a chain between charity and wealth, the charity itself loses its value and so does its social spirit. In order to pass down virtues related to charity, it is not a good idea to advocate the rich to do charity.
In conclusion, it is not necessary for the rich to spend money on charity for three reasons: more value of spending money on art and education and to keep charity as charity.
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