

2015-11-17 10:15







stagnation=without grow

















1.教授看了学生的school play,想要让学生在计算机的一个活动上为孩子们演示,因为她既表演好也计算机能力不错,但是在那天学生要离开学校去NY实习,所以参加不了,她说她室友也有类似经历,推荐室友来帮教授但是她自己也很想参与,教授说可以帮他做网页



4.女孩要从学校宿舍搬出来和朋友出去租房子,然后officer说了几个事项,女孩说最主要的问题是我需要拿到合同,但是那个合同是下个学期才能给的。女孩说她很着急,因为也有其他人看中了那个房子。officer说我们最迟也要在这个学期期末办手续,因为我们要确定你房间没有任何损坏,女孩说肯定没有,然后officer说可以尽量帮她找Mr Shaw去在下个礼拜接受申请,然后下个月给她合同。

5.green groof,分为intensiveextensiveintensive的土比较深可以种很多种植物养很多种生物,extensive就比较少。然后提到教授自己去这个green groof的时候,发现自己在欣赏景色的时候,旁边的窗户这真的很显眼煞风景。后来在这个green groof里面又引进了一些生物是自己在欣赏景色的时候,使得里面的生物多样性增加,引起了生物学家的注意,教授建议可以在这里面引进些鸟啊其他的动物。

6.children vocabulary spurt,教授提到children学习语言可能早期存在个infection point,这是一个商业用词,指的是开始销量不好后来销量猛增,转折点就是infe point。这个点可能是孩子们意识到他们的需求可以用词来满足的时候,比如渴了就说milk,但是后来提出这个实验的人发现之前的些数据没有提过这个point,大多都是学习五十个词婴儿需要多少时间,到现在没有发现任何有关的实验来证明这个point真的存在。






5.浪漫主义和现实主义,开始是浪漫,打破rule,用晦涩语言,很多人不懂,后来工业化,很多人进城打工,出现了educated people为他们服务,然后有了现实主义,语言易懂,贴近生活,然后介绍了杂志和报纸,来自浪漫和现实,杂志高大上人不懂,报纸看的人多还有连载长小说,小说能帮人们了解更多那个时候。



Task 1

I prefer taking art classes due to two reasons. The first reason is because I'm a big fan of music myself. For instance, I enjoy going to concerts or simply listening to my CD collection at home. I still remember how truly amazed I was when I first heard Beethoven's Moonlight. The music notes created a phenomenal illusion for its listeners. I would love to take a music history class and learn more about it. Plus, music history can be really fun. Last semester my roommate dropped in at a music history class in our university and they learnt all sorts of things, like the music categories, composing and even some anecdotes of the famous musicians in history. It's so much more fun than classes like economics or math.

Task 2

I think it's much easier to be a child for two reasons. First of all, children don't need to worry about getting a good job. For instance, when I was a kid, I had a fair share of pressure, I worried about getting good grades in class, I worried about if I was popular at school and I worried about exams and all, but I could always have my family to rely on no matter what happened. But now i feel like I'm so stressed out searching for a job and making a living of my own, and I feel like I'm completely alone out there and !have no one to count on. Plus, when you're a child you still have a whole life ahead of you, you've got all the time in the world. Now I feel like I'm always in a rush, having a job, starting a family of my own, all those things put a lot of pressure on me.

Task 3

The university is planning to require all students to take writing classes in the writing center due to two reasons. First of all, there are tutors there to help students with their writing. And the second reason is because this way, students get to spend more time on writing. In the conversation, the man disagrees with the plan. In the first reason, he mentions that students can get plenty feedback from their professors, and the professors know their students best, there's no need to go to the writing center to search for help. As for the second reason, the man points out that it's actually a waste of time because students need to spend a lot of time going to the writing center and it's time they should have spent on studying.

Task 4

In the lecture, the professor talks about passive defense which means some animals prefer avoiding conflicts and use other signals to communicate. He offers us an example to illustrate it. Pandas are capable of fighting, but they prefer not to. Instead, they leave marks on the trees by lifting their back legs and rub them against the tree and this way, they leave a rather distinctive odor on the trees, and the bigger the panda, the higher the marks. So other pandas get the message that the territory is already marked.

Task 5

The woman's problem is that she can't concentrate on her study because there's always someone playing the violin next door and it's always in the afternoon when she usually studies. There are two possible solutions. The first one is to go to the library and study there. And the second one is to move to another dormitory. If I were in her shoes, I'd go for the firstsolution because the library is a very good environment for studying, much better than her dorm room probably. I personally don't recommend the other solution because she will have to live by herself which means a significant raise in rent, and I just don't think it's that big a deal, it's not worth the money.

Task 6

In the lecture, the professor talks about the fact that even though people are aware of the deadline, they still miss it somehow. One of the reasons is simple, people simply don't like the project they need to work on. Like the professor's son, he's into art and he doesn't like science, so he spent the majority of his time painting until it was already too late to finish his science project on time. The other reason is that some people didn't make a thorough plan and ended up spending more time than they expected. Again the professor's son, he needed to hand in an application for an internship and he thought he could finish it in a day, turned out he also needed a recommendation letter from a professor and it would cost him a week to get one, and he ended up missing the deadline.






1 parasite


2 bacteria carried by jellyfish which is the food of sea star


3 water temperature increases, and this would decrease the immunity system of sea star.

教授反驳认为,此疾病发生在海水温度恒定的地方。再者,发现一些calm water没有大风大浪的比较容易触发疾病,所以有其他未知原因。

独立写作:When parents cannot afford time to accompany with their children, they could choose to send their children to child-care center where many children are cared together; or they could send their children to an individual caregiver. Which on is better?

  In modern society, the stressful workloads make parents busy with their work and distract them from taking good care of their children. Under this circumstance, many parents turn to send their children either to child-care center where plenty of children are taken care of together. Meanwhile, some parents would choose to send their children to an individual caregiver so that they children could receive care. In my opinion, the child-care center would be a better choice.
  Admittedly, an individual caregiver might seem to be better. The main reason why some parents choose individual caregivers is that they would give children more considerations due to the less children there. They might feed the children themselves, rather than let the children eat themselves. They might help the children with their homework when the children meet some hard questions. Also they could play games with children so that they could get a temporary escape from school work. However, if viewed from a different angle, these activities might raise children's dependence on others, especially these caregivers. Once they are absent from the children, the children might feel uneasy about their meals, homework or even entertaining activities. To avoid the side effects, to send children to a child-care center would be more appropriate.
  To begin with,  a child-care center could give children more security. In other words, the facility might be equipped with some specialized equipment to avoid children from being get hurt. For example, a child-care center in Zhongguancun changes all their dishes and plates into stainless steel. What makes them to make such as change is that if the glass breaks into pieces, they might cut children’s fingers or legs. Meanwhile, to protect the children from dangers, the center install some iron nets outside the window in case some children would fall  down from the window. Most importantly, strangers are carefully checked if they want to get access to the center. The security would ask about the name, occupation and even address so that dangerous people would not get into the center to harm these children. As a result, children could happily and securely play in the center.
  In addition, a child-care center where hold many children might cultivate children's ability to get along with others. That is to say, giving children an environment to play with others allows children to communicate with each other. According to a survey conducted by behaviorists from Stanford, after polling hundreds of primary students who are kept in child-care center after school, a significant percentage of them appear to be empathic. After a long observation, the scientists find out that during their stay in the child-care center, they are given quite a lot of space to play with each other. When one feels upset, others might give him the comforts either by giving him his favorite fruits or giving him encouragement to get rid of the negative emotions, both of which make the children understandable when dealing with others.  In this case, the center plays a great role in helping the children getting along with others.
  To sum up, although children who are taken to individual caregivers might receive more considerations, this would not be safe. On the contrary, a child-care center would be a better candidate because it could offer children more security and even the environment to make friends with other peers.






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