

2015-11-02 11:29








  accelerate=speed up


  elusive=hard to identify


  maintenance to=support









  一开始讲美国俄亥俄州有一个叫标准石油(Standard Oil)大型公司。然后讲大型公司治理的新技术就是设置中层管理。接下来讲企业合并,一共有两种,一种是纵向合并,一种和横向合并。纵向合并是指同一个产业的上下游企业的合并,比如石油大亨洛克菲洛,把石油开发上下游的行业(开发、提炼、运输、储存和销售)全部合并起来,健全了行业的产业链。横向合并就是把所有同行业的竞争对手的都统统吃掉。后来说企业家们认为过分竞争不利于赚钱,所以决定签署一些条约来形成一个垄断组织(托拉斯)来划分市场。但是这个协议要求所有企业都要参与进来,所以很快这个协议就崩溃了。后来大家决定用信托(trust)的方式来管理企业,让一个trustee控股,然后管理所有公司。最后一段说的是股权交易制度的完善能够吸引众多的投资者,举了新泽西的例子,标准石油(Standard Oil)首先获益。


解析:本文主要讨论的企业在发展壮大的过程可以采取的各种财务手段,属于经济学的公司金融学的历史。因为经济学类的题材由于对于背景的要求比较高(虽然ETS保证背景知识不会影响答题,但事实上并不然),所以在以往的情况之下考这类科目的文章很少。如果一旦涉及,不免会让某些对相关背景知识不了解的同学造成障碍。所以考生在备考的时候,需要提前对相关专题的TPO文章的生词进行熟悉,尽量减少背景知识和生词恐惧带来的内耗。与经济学相关的文章推荐阅读TPO 10 17th Century European Economic Growth.




  讲的是某种叫bottle nose的海豚与EQ。先讲了EQ的概念。说EQ取决于脑袋于身体大小的密度比。如果这个比例大于1,那么这个物种的EQ就高。然后做了一个对比,人的数值是7点多,海豚的是2点多。然后讨论了EQIQ的关系。说IQEQ没有必然的联系。但是作为高智商的动物EQ必须大于一个伐值。然后就开始讨论海豚的EQ为啥高(一般动物的EQ都是1左右)。有人认为可能是因为海豚有一个回声定位系统,所以海豚的脑袋大和身体比例要大。但是后面被反驳,理由是另外一种海豚也有回声定位系统,但是脑袋也不大。后面又提出社交的需要可能是高EQ的原因,具体说了海豚和父母兄弟姊妹之间的互动。








解析:本文讨论驯养形成的原因。属于一篇"现象-因果类"的历史学文章。本文主旨明确,结构清晰,每段首句为topic sentence的可能性较高。本文无论在内容还是结构上,都非常接近TPO 21The Origins of Agriculture













  Mantee的定位,这个鱼类实际上不是靠line hole去感触水流,从而定位的。细节包括,这个鱼没有海豚的echolocation回声定位的能力,水也是dark的,视力也差。同时讲了这个鱼通过hair定位的能力,这种hair上的神经比其他鱼多得多,而且都长在身上,各个分得很开,所以这个hair能避免碰到自己。有个问题是这个hair能不能感知不懂的东西,或者能不能像鱼一样感知水的流速呢?研究表明是可以的,接下来介绍这个research




  男学生和女教授讨论topic关于一个作家。学生不知道写他啥,教授说你喜欢他什么。学生说:1.作品里的character不一样,不像人。 2.有哲学思想。教授暗示有题可以写。后来提到此作家不写自己熟悉的地方,举了一个地名。学生回,是因为不想constrain作家的idea。教授同意,并说这是很controversial,要多做研究。




  讲了printed music,先说了一个Pxxxcci这个人,他用了很贵的纸来书写,所以,一个作品就相当于几个volume of literature 而且都是贵族拥有的。




  Saturn的一个卫星 Titan,讲了水循环就是液化然后形成气体再降雨。那么titan上有甲烷的痕迹,因为很冷,所以甲烷呈液态,同时科学家还发现有干涸的水和湖,判断赤道上是下雨的。





Task 1


What activity do you think can cultivate children's sense of responsibility?


  I think for children to cultivate their sense of responsibility, nothing's better than giving them them a pet. I've got two reasons. First of all, having a pet makes children realize the importance of taking care of others. Take myself as an example, my parents gave me a puppy as my birthday gift when I turned 8 and it was a big responsibility to me. All of a sudden I had something in my life I had to take care of, my dad helped me make a list of all of the things I needed to do. I had to feed him everyday, gave him a shower every week, and walked him every Saturday morning, I even had to take him to the vet when he was sick. All those things made me realize that none of us were alone in this world and taking care of others is as important as taking care of ourselves. Plus, having a pet makes children realize the importance of persistence. After I got my puppy, I learnt that doing nice things for him for one day was easy, what was not easy was doing the same things for him over and over again, and I managed to do it for nearly 14 years. I guess having a pet finally made me understand that taking care of others is easy, but it's constantly taking care of others that really counts.


Task 2


Do you prefer listening to music or doing nothing when you go from a place to another?


  I personally prefer listening to music on my way to places for two reasons. First of all, music makes my journey much more enjoyable. For instance, I like to pick out songs I listen to according to my mood and the places I'm going to. Like last weekend, I was invited to my cousin's wedding, on the way to the wedding, I was listening to A Thousand Years, the theme song of the movie Twilight, the music and lyrics are about true and undying love of the characters in the movie so it completely matched the occasion and I would even say that the music made the wedding even more touching and moving to me. Plus, I simply love listening to music, unfortunately now with the exams and papers going on, I don't get to have a lot of time just for music. So I seize every opportunity to listen to some good songs, nothing seems to be a better chance of enjoying good music than when I travel to places.My ears are fully open just to music and I get to have my own space. It's like the only time of day I can truly appreciate music.


Task 3


  The student suggests that the university should allow students to borrow bikes for free due to two reasons. The first reason is to reduce the amount of traffic. And the second reason is to offer students an opportunity to work out. In the conversation, the man agrees with the suggestion. In the first reason, he mentions that the campus is pretty big and a lot of students are driving around campus now, if students got to borrow bikes for free, then more students would choose to ride bikes instead thus reducing the amount of traffic. As for the second reason, the man points out that most of students don't have time to do exercise, so if the university allowed students to borrow bikes for free, maybe more students would get the opportunity of working out a little every day.


Task 4


  In the lecture, the professor talks about tolerant ecotype which are the species that can evolve in or adapt to harsh environment. He offers us an example to illustrate it. The companion plant that was planted in an area with metal contamination, it couldn't survive at first, but over time, the plant developed the ability to tolerate this kind of environment and adapted to it. Not only the plant itself, the researchers found out that the seeds of this plant from this metal contaminated area can also grow and survive in the harsh environment. But if you moved a companion plant from a regular environment to this harsh environment, there would be no way they could grow or survive. That's how the professor uses the example of the companion plant to illustrate the concept of tolerant ecotype.


Task 5


 The woman's problem is that one of her roommates moved out and she's supposed to interview the applicants for the room with another of her roommates tonight, but she can't go because she's got a geology group meeting at the same time. There are two possible solutions for her. The first one is to drop out of the meeting and the second one is to go to the meeting and trust her other roommate. If I were in her shoes, I would go for the second solution because her geology group meeting sounds really important, they may talk about things related to exams and stuff, things she would definitely miss out on if she simply read some materials herself. After all, a discussion with her peers will cover so much more than printed materials. I personally don't recommend the other solution, because her roommate probably will do a great job without her anyway, it's not worth it to miss out on a great geology group meeting just for this.


Task 6


  In the lecture, the professor talks about the drawbacks of standardization of employees. He offers us two examples to illustrate it. The first drawback of standardization is that it will discourage the creativity of employees. For example, there's a store that sells clothes, they encourage employees to come up with their own jokes to attract customers to purchase their products. But after they started using standardized scripts for all employees, the effect was not very good, since employees couldn't create as they did in the past, the sales declined as well. The second drawback is the additional cost, coming up a whole standardized procedure for employees require time and energy from both the managers and the employees and the company can't expect them to do it for free, so paying the managers and employees to come up with the standardized procedure can be additional cost to the company.






How short-faced bear eat to sustain massive body size

1 Big front feet could attack giant mammals by pulling them to the ground.

1 Bones are very thin. They are too weak to attract and pull to the ground.

2 Long legs could run fast and catch some fast-running animals

2 fast-running animals could change directions and make sharp turns. However, bears are too heavy to slow down, so they could not catch these animals

3 Bears might be scavenger, and they might eat animals that are already dead

3 Scavengers have marks on their teeth, because dead animals have hard bones. The fact is we have not found any on the bears.

独立写作:Which one is the most important for teacher of high school:

  1 The ability to help students plan for their future;

  2 The ability to find the students who need help most and help them;

3 Teach students how to learn outside the classroom.


  Nowadays, parents put an increasing attention on children's education, and thus could not ignore the role teacher has played in the process of high school education. parents could not help asking what is the most important role for a high school teacher. Opinions vary: some would think the ability to help students plan for the future matters, while others would consider how to learn outside the classroom. In my opinion, the ability to find those who need help and help them is the most important.

  Admittedly,  some people would think teaching students how to learn outside the classroom is the most important. The time a high school teacher could accomplish a students is countable, three years at most; so if the teacher could teach students the way to self-study, they might effectively learn new things even if the teacher is not stay by their sides. However, on balance, to teacher students the way to study by themselves would be difficult for some students. These students could hardly finish the homework assigned in class, so letting them to self study more be too overwhelmed. For most of the students to benefit from their teacher, the most important quality would be the ability to find out those who are in need.

  Helping students solve their problems could improve their interests in studying. In other words, the confidence gained from solving problems would keep students learning new things. For example, Jason used to be suffering from calculus homework where he could not figure out how to  apply the theorem to the real question. His teacher, Mr. Smith, noticed his poor performance in  homework and asked him to leave for an extra hour to coach him. He would review the class notes for him and emphasize the part that Jason could not understand. Moreover, in order to strengthen the impression of these puzzling ones, Mr. Smith would give him many exercises to be familiar with the theorem. As a result, after half a month's coaching, Jason could make every question in his homework correct, and this makes him feel confident that he could overcome other problems as long as he keeps focusing on learning.

  How about making students plan for the future? The problem with this is that the ability to plan for student's future could not guarantee them into a good university. Needless to say, colleges and universities usually have their own academic requirements for applicants. According to a recent survey conducted by University of Pennsylvania, after polling the top 100 universities in USA, most of them would admit applicants based on their performance at SAT and GPA. Those who get scores above 2300 in SAT and have a GPA of 4.0 are even more likely to be admitted to the Ivy League. None of them could take into consideration the ability to plan for their future. As a result, even if high school could plan for them what to learn in college or what job to take after graduation, their inability to get into a good university might let the plan go in vain.

  To sum up, due to the reasons I list above, I would regard that a high school teacher's ability to help students solve problems is the most important quality.





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