2015-10-14 09:48
罗马帝国第九军团的消失猜想 |
1 消失在了如今的Scotland。当时苏格兰有rebellion,the Ninth Legion被派去镇压,结果在战役中被wiped out. |
1 如果第九军团是在如今的Scotland平定叛乱的战役中消失的,那得是一场huge battle. The battle wiped out other legions, but not the Ninth Legion. 如果真是在Scotland被灭了,那么战场遗址一定能找到属于the Ninth Legion的broken weapons and equipment remains, 但事实是no weapons or equipment remains are found. |
2 消失在了如今的Netherlands. 因为考古学家在Netherlands发现了一种特殊的roof tile,能推测是soldiers给修理的。 |
2 Netherlands的roof tile推测也不靠谱。做这种roof tile需要kiln(小黑板词汇),一种极热的工具,但是荷兰那边找不到kiln的remains,所以在那边建造或是修理roof tile就显得证据不足了。接下来教授又说,其实这种roof tile在别的地方也能做,比如Britain就可以。那就有可能是在Britain做好了tile给transport到荷兰的。既然是transport的话,那什么人都能transport,不一定得是soldiers. |
3 消失在了Judea. 因为Roman governor派the Ninth Legion去Judea征战,他们在路上或者在battle中被wiped out了。 |
3 消失在Judea也不合理,因为把第九军团派到Judea去not efficient. 地理上看,the Ninth Legion处于大陆的west edge, 而Judea在east edge, 两者之间有其他的legion,要派也是派其他legion去。 |
独立写作: It is a waste of time to spend funds on space travel or space exploration.
Nowadays, an increasing number of citizens are discussing the recent launch of ShenZhou carrier rocket. While there are some people who claim that this kind of launch is a waste of money or time because it could not bring any benefits for citizens, I hold a different opinion. From my perspective, space exploration is necessary.
Admittedly, space travel or space exploration would waste a large sum of money. By spending much money on doing research regarding outer space life, government loses their focus on civil life where many people are suffering from starvation, air pollution and epidemics. Under this circumstance, there is no doubt that people would complain about government’s aloft behaviors. However,if viewing from a different angle, space exploration is a long time investment. Never should we expect the journey would bring immediate economic returns to the country. In this case, space travel and space exploration is quite helpful for the country.
To begin with, space exploration might bring benefits for us to search for new energy resource. That is to say, other planets may be rich in certain kinds of resources that are in great shortage on the earth. According to the report released after the exploration to the Mars, the officials from NASA confirms that Mars contains a great volume of natural gas and iron. Moreover, engineers have also noticed that these resources on the planet are able to explore, and if they could solve the problem of long time transportation, these resources could be used on the earth. Consequently, the use of natural gas will not consume burning of petroleum and make our planet a better place to live in.
In addition, space exploration aims to improve level of technology. In other words, it is the development of advanced technology that makes it possible to explore the outer space. It is usually the case that without the technology of launching satellite into the space, it is impossible for people to conduct research. As a result, scientists have to improved their knowledge in related areas so that they could guarantee the launch of these rockets, as well as satellites. Meanwhile, to ensure astronauts’ safety in the outer space, scientists have to repeated work on their suits in order to keep astronauts away from radioactivity. Also, to fill with enough oxygen, scientists have to run encapsulation tests again and again. Only if these equipment are guaranteed can astronauts be safely working in the outer space.
To sum up, the seemly useless space exploration would cost a large sum of money; however, this space activity could still bring benefits in both new energy searching and technology improvement.
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