2015-07-13 11:27
Part 1
最高频考题 |
Work and study |
Hometown |
Accommodation |
Names |
Sleeping |
Reading books |
Clothes |
Guests |
Museums |
次高频考题 |
Trees |
Letters or emails |
Weather |
Public holidays |
Weekends |
Television |
Sky |
Collection |
Shopping |
Teaches |
Film |
其他考题 |
Leisure time |
Math |
Transportation |
Text messages |
Time management |
Forgetting about things |
Vegetables and fruits |
Mobile phone |
Sports |
Happiness |
Part 2&3
最高频考题 |
A useful advice |
A time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like |
Childhood toy |
Something you want to buy in the future |
A colourful place |
Something you do to stay healthy |
Something interesting you learnt from the internet |
Exciting sport |
A subject you didn’t like before but have interest in now |
A good cook |
A movie you would like to watch again |
A time when you got lost |
A vehicle you would like to buy |
A friend who you think is a good leader |
A piece of good news you heard from TV or the internet |
A pleasant surprise you had |
A family member you would like to work with |
次高频考题 |
A long journey/ short trips you would like to make again |
A time that you and your friend had a disagreement |
An occasion you got up extremely early |
A change that will improve your local area |
A situation when you helped a stranger |
An indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child |
A place near water that you enjoyed visiting |
A childhood song |
A happy family event from your childhood that you remember well |
A historical building in your country / hometown |
A person you know who dresses well |
A famous person (not from your country) |
A situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth |
A paid job you ever did or someone you know ever did |
An unusual building |
An ambition you have not achieved |
其他 |
A time that a child did something that made you laugh |
A team you have been part of |
An educational TV programme |
A place that can be good to relax (not home) |
An educational trip you went on |
A picture or photograph in your family |
A person who can speak a second language |
An age you enjoyed mostly in your life |
Something that you want to learn more |
An electronic machine you want to buy |
A gift for others that took you long time to choose |
A special trip you would like to go on in the future |
A project that you were once involved in |
A place where you can read and write |
A restaurant you like |
A tourist site (not from your city) you have been to |
A time when you feel surprised to meet someone |
A small and successful company you know |
An interesting website you have visited |
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