Making friends as a student can still be a difficult prospect. Given a choice between joining a sports team, participating in community activities, or traveling, I'd say the best way to make friends is probably getting involved in some community activities.
First of all, not everyone was born to play sports. While I'd certainly encourage everyone to be physically active, for many, trying to join a sports team will just make them feel awkward about their own lack of ability. As a teenager I played on soccerteam at the time, and the experience was far worse. During daily practice, the intensive training always tortured my legs and backs. The ordinary five-kilometer long distance run also made me exhausted. Even in games, the opponents would cause injuries on me, and I even got fracture once in a game. For me, I was always suffering from these physical pains, and there was no chance for me to get along well with others. As a result, making friends in sports does not make for me.
On the other hand, there would be some people who have better luck with making friends while traveling.Of course,making friends on the road has several advantages: You get to meet a wider variety of people than if you had just joined a sport team, and since there's no competitive pressure, getting to know people can be a much more relaxed process. You also have stories of your travels to relate to people you meet along the way. However, there wouldn't be that camaraderie that comes from working towards a common goal, and a lot of the people you meet you'll probably never see again. In this case, the temporary friend could not share the everlasting relationships.
That's why I think getting into community activities is the best of the three options. By taking part in community activities, people have opportunities to forge bonds while working towards a common goal, but without the high athletic demands of a competitive sport. You also get to meet a larger variety of people than you might find while playing sports time, because they won't all be athletes. Also, you're much more likely to see them again compared to people you meet while traveling. And finally, since you'll likely be doing a range of activities, you'll have plenty of things to talk about with the new people you meet.
Joining a sports team and traveling can both be helpful if you're a student looking to make new friends. However, participating in community activities is a balanced compromise between the two, and in my mind that makes it the best option.
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