2015-04-24 10:36
作者:北美VIP项目 托福口语教研组 何夏莲
Task1 Which of the following types of book you do not enjoy, science fiction, biography, and history book(另外一种说法是romantic book)? Explain why you do not enjoy it.
Sample Answer 1: The type of book that I do not enjoy is science fiction because of the following reasons. Firstly, science fiction is useless for your real life. For example, most people like Harry Potter. They are familiar with the spells and weapons of that magic world, but they cannot use any one of them in the real life. Secondly, reading science fiction may cause the misunderstanding of the real world. People at young age, who are the main readers of science fiction, are hard to tell the real world from the imaginary world.
Sample Answer 2: The type of book that I do not enjoy is biography because of the following reasons. Firstly, biography is really boring. It is the life story of a certain celebrity. You cannot copy his or her life experiences since the case only represent a small amount of people. Secondly, biography is not objective. You might be misled by the celebrities’ story. Most celebrities choose to cover disadvantages and advocate their advantages.
Sample Answer 3: The type of book that I do not enjoy is history book because of the following reasons. Firstly, history book is plain and dull. It is even hard for me to concentrate on reading history book for fifteen minutes. Secondly, history book cannot be used in the real life. Things happened in the history are really hard to be used in the real life. It is really wired to apply an event occurred in Qing dynasty to real life because situations are really different.
Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Talking face-to-face in person is a better way to communicate than communicating through emails and by text message
Sample Answer 1: I agree with that talking face-to-face to communicate is a better way to communicate because of following reasons. Firstly, talking face-to-face can avoid misunderstanding. Take myself for example, I sent an email to my colleague to check some of problems occurred in our history project, but she failed to receive it, which almost caused the failure of our project. Secondly, talking face-to-face can strengthen the relationship between you and your co-workers. It is believed that communicating in person help people understand others better.
Sample Answer 2: I disagree with that talking face-to-face to communicate is a better way to communicate because of following reasons. Firstly, communicating through emails and by text messages make it easy to correct mistakes you may make in the communication. You see, if you communicate face-to-face in person, you will not be able to erase anything. Secondly, emails and text messages can be evidences when you need to defend yourself in some cases.
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