2015年3月14日托福口语真题回忆(6中3,task 1,2,6)
2015-03-16 13:53
Task 1: Which of the following three do you think is the most important for a great working environment? Friendly coworkers, flexible hours or a helpful boss?(小范围机经第一题)
Sample: To be frank, I actually care more about the companions whom I work with. Since if my coworkers are cordial and easy to get along with, I don’t have to waste much time and energy to think about how to communicate with them. Whether I have to watch my words whenever I open my mouth to blurt out my own pinion.
Furthermore, if the staffs I work with are friendly, they probably helpful as well. Whenever I’m in trouble they will be willing to do me a favor without any doubt. Then it’ll not only promote the friendship between us but also improve our working efficiency at the same time.
Task 2: Some people like to take less informative but interesting lectures; Others like to take boring but more content rich lectures. Which do you prefer?(大范围)
Sample: I prefer the former statement. If I enroll in a curriculum that is amusing, it will no doubt stimulate my curiosity for knowledge. I will actively involve in the class to discuss and debate with classmates and the professor, which will help me, have a deep understanding of knowledge. There’s no denying, since I show much enthusiasm in the course, I will look up reference books, doing some researches even surf the Internet to get access to relevant info about the course after class, which will be beneficial for my study in the long term. Therefore, I could expand my knowledge by studying individually, which will benefit my problem solving skills at the same time.
Task 3
[阅读]学校要求学生去neighborhood primary school 教art。
1)这个小学fund不够,不能提供学生art class;
1) 他小的时候就想有艺术课,他能接受很好的art学习,就像这个小学的学生一样;
2) 他觉得工作经验很重要,也需要上teaching 课什么的,他需要practice 一下,看看是不是适合这份工作。
Sample: The university is going to recruit students to work as volunteers to teach art classes in the neighborhood primary school since that school is lack of fund to teach this curriculum which may charge for steep fee. Plus, the college students will gain work experience at the same time. The male takes a positive attitude towards the announcement. The school may really have tight budget to provide proper art classes instead of academic courses. It actually will deprive the opportunities for students to learn the courses that they are really interested in. As a result, students will get access to diverse art classes because of the plan. What’s more, the college students will gain relevant experience about teaching which will be beneficial for future job hunting. It will be helpful for them to find out whether they will be fit for the job or not in the near future.
Task 4
[阅读]teaser advertisement,就是说这个东西打广告第一次广告上不要出现产品的image,只出现相关景色什么的
[听力]汽车广告,第一个广告只有road, mountains什么的,以及车的名字,又拍了第二次广告让人们期待,最后人们去问车的名字,卖的很好。
Sample: The professor takes advantage of one example to illustrate the academic term of teaser advertisement, which is in a marketing class. In the example, an automobile corporation made an ad. to inform potential customers of products. In the advertisement, the audience could only see the natural views like roads and mountains without mentioning the name of the car. As a result, audiences are looking forward to know the name of the car. The curiosity stimulates the would-be clients’ interests, which finally promoted the sales of the product. This is how the professor explains the term of teaser advertisement, which is a particular way to make advertisement without mentioning the image of the product to raise the costumers’ interest to purchase the product.
Task 5
Sample: The female student comes up with a problem that she has to find a proper place to move in. Two options were given to address the problem. For one thing, she could settle down in a brand new apartment however it will be distant form school. She could also solve the problem by living in her friend, Sarah’s home. The drawback is that it will be inconvenient since she has to move all her belongs. As for me, the latter solution will be a sensible choice. If she lives in her friend’s house, she could not only get assistance from her friend whenever she is in trouble but does group study with Sarah in the long run. She could discuss and debate with Sarah after class, which will help her have a deep understanding of knowledge. Not surprisingly, it will benefit in plenty of prospects.
Task 6
Animals in a large group can seek protection from the predators.
1. The large group of animals can overwhelm the predators. Just like the bats fly out of the cave at the same time, so their predators can only go after a few.
2. The animals can warn their group members to run away from the threat
Just like the ocean skaters, the ones at the edge of the group can see the predators coming and warn the group of the approaching danger.(大范围)
Sample: The professor takes advantage of two examples to demonstrate two options for animals living in large groups to survive from predators. The first way is to overwhelm the predators. For example, bats usually fly out of the cave in large amount. Therefore, the predators could only follow relatively minimum of them, which could guarantee the survival for majority of the group. The other option is to make noise to alarm others whenever they are aware of the approaching predators. Similarly, ocean skaters live and migrate in large groups as well. No matter when the fish at the edge of the group is aware of the upcoming predators, it will make a certain kind of noticeable alarming call to call other members’ attention to take precautions instead of being preyed.
本次口语考试整体来说难度不高,尤其是第一道口语题就是机经中的第一题,从而降低了考生在面对口语考试的紧张程度。机经种出率为6中3,虽然在考试中不属于题目中出量较高的考试,但是不难发现,其中task 3仍然围绕学生实习这一高频考试话题。Task 4为常见的关于marketing class中关于如何设计广告的问题。Task 5是经典的关于住宿的问题。因此,整体难度不高,都是高频重复性话题内容。从而考试的听力应该不存在听不懂或者纪录笔记困难的问题。
对于task 1& 2建议考生一定要在复习的时候把机经中题目的答案具体写下来没,从而确保表达的准确性及词汇、句型的难度。这才能在考试中较顺利的在规定时间内进行充分的表达。
Task 3 关于实习的相关考题只有在TPO中出现过一次反对,其余情况下都支持。并且,支持的理由都是一致的。其中一定会提到学生获得工作经验。因此,考生可以通过阅读极好的预见听力的基本信息。这样听力差的同学不需要过分担心听不懂。另外,建议考生将高频使用到的表达进行复杂句式的书写并背诵下来。后期会把Task 3最主要的考点及考法跟大家在www.xuankehome.com上和www.koo.cn上一起分享便于大家更好的把握考试脉络确保高质量的表达。
Task 4 关于marketing 中制作广告的策略,此次考题很新颖,会造成一定的听力及理解上的难度。过去考题集中在celebrity (名人代言),modeling(示范),repetition(重复)等方面。在后续学习中建议大家还是要向Cherry在课上的要求那样,加强学科的横向练习,而不要以提炼题,这中题海战术很难把握住每个学科必然的考点。比如对于marketing 主要就是纪录:产品名称、销售手段、销售结果,三个方面即可。只有把握的问题特征才能避免学习的盲目性从而真正突破学术文章的难点。
Task 5关于住宿的问题实在是老生常谈。每次都是相似的内容:回家住、住朋友那里、租房子。因此本题从听力到回答都不存在难点。建议仍然在此类题目上有问题的学员:1)把TPO1-34套所有听力练会以加强听力;2)把近两年的所有task 5练习一遍,这项考题就会变得轻而易举。
Task 6不是出意料的出现了生物学,这种考题就像我在上课时说的一样,基本是task 4或者task 6中必然出现的一道题目。去年44场考试,6次一日两题,4次年内题目重复,其中只有3套考试题目中没有生物学。而在酷学网上我主要给大家讲的和压的题目也是动物共生的好处。所以一些学员考试结束就马上给我打电话,感觉到非常兴奋,因为连的正式讲的题目。建议广大的学生朋友无比把生物学作为复习的重中之重。做到:1)TPO所有关于生物学的task 4&6全部练习一遍,加强听力记笔记的能力;2)把生物学按照4种分类方法加强每种考法固定的考点,减少听力的盲目性;3)练习考试机经。
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