

2015-03-11 14:53



口语第一题:                                            机经未中

  If you can learn a new ability, which one do you prefer? why?

  1. Play a new kind of sports

  2. Fly a plane

  3. Play a new kind of musical instrument


   I would try to learn to play an instrument. Because the whole process of learning to read music and play the corresponding notes is wonderful for the minds of us.  While we are playing, we are memorizing things, improving our rhythm… and we’re just using our brains in a way that is pretty unique and beneficial. And once i learn to play entire songs, my confidence just shines! This is especially true if I could play my instrument at a school concert or something similar. When i see my parents and the rest of the audience clapping for me, i would feel so proud of myself. That’s why I would love to learn to play an instrument.


口语第二题:                                             机经未中

  Do you agree or not? Why?

  Cell phone has greatly improved our lives.


For me, there's no doubt that cell phones have substantially improved our lives in many ways. The obvious reason is that so many things have become so much easier now. We can connect with family, organize to meet friends, and even run a business, by using a cell phone. The best thing is that we can do all of these things spontaneously. Furthermore, new advances in cell phone technology have given us many new ways to use a cell phone-such as listening to music, watching movies, and surfing the Internet, but 20 years ago these things were quite unimaginable. Therefore, cell phones have greatly improved people's lives.

口语第三题:                                                 机经未中

阅读部分:学生提议 create sidewalk to cross the lawn


1. 下雨天,道路会变的很泥泞,学生鞋become dirty with mud

2. 学校知道学生用这个sidewalk 做shortcut,应该铺成concrete的地面,现在不美观,not attractive




1. 学生就应该准备别的鞋子

2. 学生把那里当作shortcut本来就是不对的,学生们太懒了,而且,现在的状态很natural


  A student wrote a letter to propose that the dirt path sidewalk should be paved because rain makes the dirt path muddy, students’ shoes may be marred, and also paving the sidewalk with concrete makes it more attractive. However, the male student disagrees with the letter. Firstly, students should prepare some other shoes if they could, and also cutting across is wrong. Students are just lazy. If they don’t want their shoes to be dirty in rainy days, they can walk an extra few minutes avoiding the muddy sidewalk. Secondly, paving with concrete is not attractive at all, it ruins the natural beauty.


口语第四题:                                            机经未中


Approach-avoidance conflict. After people set goals, 他们就会有stress experience。 当conflict occur, The combination of positive quality and discouragement 就会一起影响。


教授以他的一个朋友 (she)为例,他的朋友上大学的时候,就对teaching很有热情,希望以后能够当作自己的career。 在他开始practice 后,他发现teaching并不是他想想的那样,她几乎没有free time去做其他的时候,即使下班回家了,她还要继续给学生批改作业,此时,她就开始质疑自己是否应该继续做这个,但是无论怎样,teaching都是她的life time dream。


The professor gave a lecture on approach-Avoidance-Conflict, which means when there is one goal or event that has both positive and negative effects or characteristics that make the goal appealing and unappealing simultaneously.The professor demonstrates the term described above with his friend’s experience: One of his friends really wants to be a teacher in the future, because she really enjoys spending time with students, but she at the same time, realizes that teaching is also a demanding job. Teachers have to spend lots of extra hours after class, grading papers for example. Knowing both the positive and negative aspects of this issue, she feels stressed, making her pursuit of dream very difficult.

口语第五题:                                           机经未中

女孩遇到的问题是:她通过了在mexico学习的申请,而是于此同时她也当上了president of international club, 这两个发生了冲突,她在mexico要学习两年

建议:1. 先干一年president,等明年的时候辞职,找别人当president 缺点:女孩希望有一个四年的经验,写入以后的工作申请里。

建议2. 可以申请只在mexico呆一个夏天而不是整个学期


The female student faces a dilemma right now. She applied to a studying abroad program in Mexico for a whole semester, but she was also elected as the president of the international studies club, there’s a conflict. Firstly, she could be the president for the first semester and find someone who can replace her while she is abroad, or she could study in Mexico in the summer instead of the whole semester. Personally speaking, I prefer the latter one. For one thing, She definitely needs the club experience to look good in her resume, if she couldn’t serve her duty in the second semester while she is in Mexico, it might influence her future job. For another thing, even though summer is short, she can indeed improve her language skills during this period of time.

口语第六题:                                        机经未中

professor讲的是mountain plants 长在tropical area 会有的physical features。 两点1. 由于sun raise,照射强烈,为了block阳光, plants 会长出small hair 来保护自己 2. 日落之后,温差大,temperature drops, 太freezing,所以plants 就close outside layer 来保护inside layer。


  Tropical plants in the mountain area developed special physical traits in order to adapt to local environment. And There are two main physical changes in these plants’ evolution. The first physical change is that radiation in tropical area can be harsh, mountain plants develop special cells like hair to block intense sunlight. The second physical change is that the temperature changes dramatically during the day and at night in mountain areas. So some local plants develop a set of larger leaves on top to keep warm at night when temperature is below 0 ℃.


口语第一题:                                      机经未中

  One of your friends has an upcoming interview, can you give him some suggestions?


   For an upcoming interview, my suggestion would be firstly, my friend needs to be well prepared, for example, he could write a short self introduction and memorize it just in case, and probably do some research on what kind of a person or institute his interview is or represents, and try to be as thorough as possible. Because this would help him leave a good impression, and he’ll probably be less nervous going into the interview. Also, he should try to be confident and polite during the interview, and answer the interviewer’s questions thoughtfully and in detail, instead of just making generic statements. He should try and show his best self, this way he’s more likely to succeed in achieving his goal for this interview.  

口语第二题:                                      机经未中

 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children under 18 should be allowed to vote.


Personally, I disagree with the statement, so I think children under 18 should not be allowed to vote. Firstly, the goal of voting or elections is to choose a political leader that could represent most people’s interests, but for most under 18-year-olds, they still live a very simple life of going to school and hanging out with their friends and family, so politics only has very limited influence on their life, and their lack of social experience would not help them to make meaningful decisions; And also, since most of them are still living with their family, their points of view would be inevitably affected by those of their parents’ or other family members’, so if they’re allowed to vote, they’re not necessarily expressing their own opinions.

口语第三题:                                                 机经未中

Reading: 写信建议humanity building前面作为parking area,把门口的绿化清除。女生说不行,因为附近的dining hall跟图书馆有停车场



The student letter suggests the school build a parking lot near the forest.

The girl disagrees with it.

There are parking lots near dining hall and library. And the place he suggests is the only forest on campus,which should be protected. In addition, students love to read under the shadows of the trees.

口语第四题:                                      机经未中

Image advertising:讲一种销售手段给人一种positive的感觉,还要有entertaining的效果


Example: cookie公司用big bear来营销,包装有bear,电视commercial广告里会有bear,饼干甚至shaped into bear,kids很喜欢这样的饼干,这饼干卖得比其他都好,很久以后人们都还记得。


The professor gave a lecture on Image Advertising, which means a certain image that a company use in its advertisement to attract its potential customers.            The professor uses an example of cooking company to explain this. The company use Teddy bear as an image on the cookies and enhance the relations between the cookies and children who love Teddy bear. This is likely to increase the sales of cookies of the company.

口语第五题:                                   机经未中

女生是education major去elementary school志愿者,明天要和小朋友聚餐,但是明天下雨说可能不去了

1.  下周去picnic,但是会有人不能来

2.  或者在室内restaurant with parents,但是less fun


The female student faces a dilemma right now. She plans to go on a picnic with her friend tomorrow,but it’s going to rain. The first solution is to cancel the trip and postpone to another day. The second one is to throw a party in the local restaurant,but it’s less interesting.Personally speaking, i prefer the former one. On one hand, it’s not really fun to throw indoor parties, her friends would feel bored about it. On the other hand, if she could do this another day, the weather might be good, and they could do a lot of outdoor activities together, which could bring them more fun.

口语第六题:                            机经未中

动物maintain group

1.  threating,2只猴子抢水果,有只瞪了一眼,另一只懂了就不抢了

2.  physical, 2只猴子抢水果,打起来,之后会和好,然后hug,还发出友好的叫声


 The professor gave a lecture on two ways to main relationship in a group. First is to threaten others. For example, two monkeys were fighting for fruits. One big monkey starred at the other for a while, then the little one gave up. Second is to be nice to others. Still take the monkeys for example, sometimes they will approach each other and hug each other.


本次考试是中国春节以后第一次考试,为AB卷,近年托福考试经常由 AB卷出现,一年5次左右频率,其目的在于防止同一考场考生作弊,但实际并不影响考生发挥及答题。


建议大家独立任务一二题需要累积大量的话题和素材,同时需要灵活转换话题,有一些理由可以在多个话题中通用。 综合任务的训练一定以TPO为核心材料训练,通过做题来熟悉出题思路和答题方式。大家加油!


同时, 通过2015年已结束的6场考试(截止3月7日)来看,今年的托福考试主要呈现以下一些特点:


1.    全部老题:6场考试基本能确定听说读写皆为北美或大陆老题,新题暂未出现;(去年43场考试,仅2014年8月30日为新题)估计上半年出现的概率非常小;

2.    ETS出题模式依旧:还是拆得非常碎的拼盘题(没有整套老题重复,2014年在9月开始有5次);

3. AB卷重现:2015年3月7日有出现AB卷即“一日两题”现象。通过2014年第一次出现AB卷时间也是在3月(2014年3月22日),预计3月后2场不会有。而4月考试中必有一场为AB卷(2014年4月12日)。去年发生了6次,按历年数据为增长趋势,15年一定大于等于6场。


1.    由于托福泄题事件(2014年1月31日大陆),ETS在近期大陆托福考试题中大量加入近三年都没有重复考到的大陆和北美题,每次考试都重新挑选一次。这样就直接导致非常难预测其挑选具体那套题,或不能小范围覆盖。因此,未来每次更新都会发布及时的大范围:像以往只看小范围暂时不合时宜,应该以小范围重点看,大范围也辅助;点题预测范围尤其大范围,作为课程辅助讲义使用,毕竟口语写作(独立部分)最后备考托福机经有较强的指导模考价值;

2. 由于英国在留学和签证方面对托福成绩的政策性变化,本来预计2015年会发生新口音听力,现在有点扑朔迷离了。这要看ETS的态度:是加入英联邦口音,开通市场;还是就此放弃英联邦市场(至少是英国),那么英音也就不会出现。以往两次非美音都是2月和3月发生,所以,要发生新口音的话,3-4月出现的概率较高,值得重点关注。







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